CHLLady wrote:Now that is a disappointment! I wonder if that is effective notice for LA?
Do “No Gun Signs” Have the Force of Law?
From the Louisiana DPS Concealed Handgun Unit Web Page.
The provisions of R.S. 40:1379.3 (N) shall not limit the right of a property owner, lessee, or other lawful
custodian to prohibit or restrict access of those persons possessing a concealed handgun pursuant to a permit
issued under this Section. No individual to whom a concealed handgun permit is issued may carry such
concealed handgun into the private residence of another without first receiving the consent of that person.
So, a property owner, lessee, or other lawful custodian can put up a "no guns" sign, and that constitutes effective notice. Furthermore, you have to notify a home owner and receive permission from that home owner before you may legally carry into his home.