EEllis wrote: ... id=6401137
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Riot car used by policemen with powerful rifles hid behind steel plates with gun outlets, 1920 – 1929 (approximate). (Photo by Leslie Jones)
- Cops are allowed to goose-hunt with '03-A3 Springfields?
- Stuff looks good until it actually gets used.....then nobody wants to be on camera explaining themselves....
No problem. Every police department should have access to large numbers of shotguns......and patrol carbines too. That's not quite the same thing as having APCs.EEllis wrote: [ Image ]
Riot guns at Boston Police headquarters, 1934. (Photo by Leslie Jones)
Nice. They're going to murder Americans for having an unpopular political opinion. When all those commies are dead, is Mr. Crowley going to own the responsibility for it?EEllis wrote: [ Image ]
Superintendent Michael Crowley with machine gunners at headquarters. They are ready for big May Day riots, 1920. (Photo by Leslie Jones)
EEllis wrote: [ Image ]
“With the latest guns, Boston police will fear nothing. The “Reds” will be met severely in case the start anything”. 1919. (Photo by Leslie Jones)
- What if the police start something?
- Will they own the deaths of Americans they killed over a difference in political opinions? ... scare.html
For this, the Boston PD geared up with crew-served weapons.Shortly after the end of World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the Red Scare took hold in the United States. A nationwide fear of communists, socialists, anarchists, and other dissidents suddenly grabbed the American psyche in 1919 following a series of anarchist bombings. The nation was gripped in fear. Innocent people were jailed for expressing their views, civil liberties were ignored, and many Americans feared that a Bolshevik-style revolution was at hand. Then, in the early 1920s, the fear seemed to dissipate just as quickly as it had begun, and the Red Scare was over.