No, she's not, but on the other hand she did chide republicans in this article, saying:Jumping Frog wrote:She has not been any kind of Obama fan since before he was elected the first time.ELB wrote:Echoing what Instapundit said,
Hey Peggy, a lot of us caught onto Obama years ago. Glad to see you finally catching up.
She's wrong about that. When the 2016 election cycle starts, EVERY republican running for president should remind listeners that THIS is what they get when they vote democrat. I'm no republican any longer, but I'd rather have a republican in the oval office, even a slightly squishy republican, than another democrat.And it would be shameful and shallow for any Republican operative or operator to make this scandal into a commercial and turn it into a mere partisan arguing point and part of the game. It's not part of the game. This is not about the usual partisan slugfest. This is about the integrity of our system of government and our ability to trust, which is to say our ability to function.
Republicans share the blame for the state of the nation up to 2008, but EVERYTHING since then is on the democrats. Everything. People need to be reminded of that, and if that offends Peggy Noonan's sensibilities, that's too bad.