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by The Annoyed Man
Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:08 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Traditional Shaving (Safety Razors / Straight Razors)
Replies: 40
Views: 9493

Re: Traditional Shaving (Safety Razors / Straight Razors)

BLG wrote:IDK
I have a straight razor some blacksmith made for me once upon a time. Never used it.

If I cleaned the rust off and sharpened it....and shaved.... I might not like it.

Does anyone know if the beard would eventually grow back in?
Detailed scientific investigations have shown that, yes, it would eventually grow back. I conduct such an investigation about once a week........not that I couldn't do it daily, I just don't mind looking scruffy and I hate to shave because I've never found a method that I actually enjoy. Well.......I enjoy a shave in a barber's chair. I allow myself 2 or 3 like that each year at the Back in Time barbershop in Colleyville, just so I can feel "manpered" ("pampered" is for women).


When I shave myself, I use the 9 bladed HP9436X Dual Turbo Whisker Blaster and whatever shaving cream happens to follow my wife home from Walmart. I have an average beard, and I get maybe 3-4 shaves out of a blade set before they start pulling the hairs out instead of cutting them off. Instead of making multiple passes, I borrow my wife's flat-iron with medium starch to get that "smooth as a baby's butt" feel. I have one heavy coarse hair growing out of a wen on my left cheek (on my face........I treat the hair on my other cheeks by means of a different process). Periodically, I wash it, comb it out, buff and polish it, and borrow my wife's curling iron to give it a bit of flair. Occasionally I dye it purple and sing loudly to Scottish punk music played at a high volume. (By the way BLG, without consulting me, the Highland Games people rudely rescheduled this year's event for the same weekend I'm going to be in California, so I'll have to miss it. :cryin )

I also have one really coarse hair growing out of my left eyebrow, and it stands straight out from my brow, instead of lying down peacefully next to its brothers. I hang a carrot off the end of it to keep me going forward.......

.....OK, all of that is false, except the part about the carrot....

I can see that I'm going to have to try out the manly charms of shaving with a straight razor. My hands shake more now as I get older. If any of you are praying men, I sincerely covet your prayers.....
by The Annoyed Man
Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:34 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Traditional Shaving (Safety Razors / Straight Razors)
Replies: 40
Views: 9493

Re: Traditional Shaving (Safety Razors / Straight Razors)

You need three things:

1) a bottle of Royall Bay Rum aftershave: ... nQodP3AA7Q

2) a bottle of Royall Lime: ... 12202756:s

3) a bottle of Clubman Country Club aftershave: ... nAodKUUAaw

The latter item is available over the counter at the Back in Time Barber Shop in Colleyville, in the same shopping center as Market Street, and it is the one they used after giving you a shave. I use all three, although I am out of the Lime at the moment. But those three are my favorite manstinks, with the two Royall products being at the top, followed by the Clubman aftershave......followed closely by a bottle of Pernaud Lilac aftershave.

All for of those are classically dry "manly" smells without reeking of the musks that are so popular these days. Each of them is different enough from the others that you can have a range of scents to use depending on your mood and how you're dressing. I even comb a little of the Bay Rum into my hair once in a while. Of course, remember not to put them on your scentlok hunting clothes, and bring a bottle of doe urine into the stand with you. :lol:

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