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by The Annoyed Man
Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:47 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: DHS-Bound Official Warned Against ‘Christians'
Replies: 13
Views: 1260

Re: DHS-Bound Official Warned Against ‘Christians'

cw3van wrote:
LTUME1978 wrote:JP171,

Please go to the Wall Builders web site and spend some time reading there. I think your will find that many of our founding fathers were Christians. David Barton (Wall Builders) is considered to be an expert witness on the history of our country by the US Supreme Court and has been called on by them more than a few times to testify. There is also a book by Dr. David Gibbs (Christian Law Association) on the founding of our country that is very heavily documented on his references for his material. If you will read that book, you will find that our pastors led us into the American Revolution to fight the tyranny of the British. The pastors were called the Black Regiment for the black robes that they wore. The progressives have worked very hard for a great many years to hid our true history from us by teaching false information in our schools. I am 57 and don't remember being taught any of this material when I was in school and I can tell you that is has gotten worse since then.
:iagree: I'm older than you sir and we were not taught this junk in school we opened each day with prayer then the POA to our country. Yup things have changed & not for the good. My granddaughter a few years ago her class was studying about our countries history I told her that she needed to tell her teacher about her family as at the time she was a member of Children of the American Revolution (CAR) her grandmother & grandfather were members of DAR & SAR. The teacher told her that she wouldn't allow it because those organizations didn't allow everyone to join only certain people. :banghead:
I'm only a little older than LTUME1978 (60), and I do remember prayer in California, of all places. I remember praying corporately as a classroom for JFK's survival on that fateful day, and I then I remember praying corporately as a classroom later that same day for his family. Things have changed. People wonder why our schools have gone to crap, well....we kicked God out of the classroom. He is a Gentleman, and He will not come back into the classroom until He's been invited back. Youngsters who aren't old enough to remember, and atheists (who were/are responsible for this happening) may differ, but classrooms were different when proper heed was given to matters of religious conscience. Schools have taught us not to pray. We are now reaping that, and I fear for the nation. AND BTW, atheist children were never told to pray. That's malarkey, except perhaps by an occasional overzealous teacher. All children were told to bow their heads for a moment of silence. What they did with that moment of silence was up to them: pray, contemplate their navels, pick their noses, whatever, as was their constitutionally protected right. But at least those who were inclined to pray were allowed to pray, and they were not ridiculed for it. As a nation today, "everyone [does what's] right in their own eyes" (Judges 21:25 and Romans 1:18-32), and we are reaping the "benefits" of yes, I fear for the nation, and this fear is reflected in my more recent pessimistic posts about the future of the nation.

To baldeagle's 2nd post: there are many people who call themselves "christian," who are not so according to the most literal interpretations of biblical scripture. Personally, I am one of those who takes the meaning very in old fashioned 4 square down home Bible-thumping Baptist. However, many of my brothers in arms in this culture war for the preservation of the nation do not share my beliefs—AND THAT IS THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT!!!!, which I am willing to give my life to preserve. When some ignorant fool bureaucrat bound on a fool's errand to pacify the nation says the word "christian," he is not drawing any finer points of distinction between Baptists such as myself, or Catholics such as my brother in arms anygunanywhere, or Jehovah's Witnesses such as my old neighbor back in California, or Mormons (who kind of founded the whole "prepping" industry) such as one of my son's best friends, or any of our Jewish brothers who see the light of constitutional reasoning and historical perspective. No....that bureaucrat is lumping us ALL in together as "enemy," and he uses the word "christian" as a catchall category name to define people of religious conscience who understand the national underpinnings better than that bureaucrat does.

United we stand, divided we Ben Franklin famously said. Do I care deeply about the spiritual condition of my brothers in arms who do not believe as I do? Yes, absolutely I do. Am I going to beat them over the head with it? No, I'm not. That's why it is called "CONSCIENCE." To each of them who differs from me, I am more than willing to have that conversation.......if they want to have it. Whether they do or don't is between them and Almighty God. But collectively, we all have some big fish to fry, among which are those items concerning the preservation of a certain document, in ALL of its particulars, which among other things protects and affirms that right of religious conscience. DHS is not dedicated to the preservation of that document. Their actions speak louder than their words. DHS is dedicated to the preservation of DHS. If they gave a damn about your right to travel about the country unmolested, you'd be able to get on an airplane without having your junk fondled. Their actions speak louder than their words. When they warn against "christians," any atheist who loves the Constitution should be fearful for what that means, and he or she should be willing to be brothers in arms with people like me, even if it means being incorrectly labelled by some ambitious moron in DC. I mean, who really cares what some cog in the machinery of Mordor thinks about the distinctions between patriots of different religious conscience, since NONE of what he thinks is constitutionally supported?

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