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by The Annoyed Man
Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:00 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: my first ticket
Replies: 12
Views: 3051

Re: my first ticket

RoyGBiv wrote:
marinemom first ticket.. I feel violated :oops:
Welcome to the dark side.. :mrgreen:

Don't be too hard on yourself. Forgetting your inspection is nothing to kick yourself about, it's just a mistake. When you start forgetting your family members names, then you have a real problem ;-) .
Exactly. In my case, it was simply a matter of not yet being accustomed to how Texas does things. In California, your car gets "smogged" (inspected) every other year, and your registration renewal notice reminds you that inspection is due for that year. And there is no window sticker, indicating your expiration in big block letters. I just wasn't used to thinking of it in those terms, and I let the inspection date get by me. When I was pulled over, it was already 90 days overdue. The Southlake PD officer told me that if it was inside of 60 days, it would have been a fix-it ticket.
by The Annoyed Man
Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:38 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: my first ticket
Replies: 12
Views: 3051

Re: my first ticket

marinemom wrote:been driving for almost 30 years. got pulled over ONCE about 10 yrs ago, got a warning.
yesterday I was pulled over by Montgomery County for expired inspection sticker . he was so NICE :banghead: to give
me a ticket!!! I was stunned.
thought for sure I would get a warning and he would tell me to get the car (computer) fixed to get inspection.
.. the only mention of my CHL was when he asked if I was carrying, I told him yes and pointed to my waist.
..then he walked back to his car and spent 10 minutes filling out my ticket. first ticket.. I feel violated :oops:
My first LEO contact after I got my CHL was exactly the same scenario. In my case, the sticker had been expired long enough that it was no longer a matter of a "fix it," and I had to pay a fine.

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