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by The Annoyed Man
Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:44 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Texas House Committees Announced
Replies: 28
Views: 4438

Texas House Committees Announced

Texas House Committees Announced ... -announced

I was prompted to look this article up because of the e-zine I just got in my mailbox from TFC. I have been asked to not post the direct link to the e-zine, and my apologies to Charles for having done so earlier. I didn't realize that I was doing a no-no. If you are a TexasFirearmsCoalition member, you should have gotten the e-zine. Charles did give me permission to quote it.

And I quote:
While only time will tell, the appointment of a Democrat [Joe Pickett] from El Paso as Chairman does not bode well for Texas gun owners. Speaker Strauss has been viewed with suspicion by gun owners throughout the State and this move likely will not raise his stock value.

To make matters worse, the makeup of the House Calendars Committee can only be described as problematic. The last two sessions saw bills that were important to gun owners either die in the Calendars Committee, or be put on the House Calendar far too late to have a chance of passage. This was no accident. The makeup of the Calendars Committee cannot help but make one wonder if 2013 is not going to be more of the same—delays and excuses.
It raises the issue of Open Carry. Would it not be safe to say that between Strauss and Pickett, Open Carry is dead? That's what e-zine article seems to imply.

Charles, you more or less defended Joe Strauss's selection as speaker this last time around, or at least that is how I recollect it. Can you please reconcile this for me? I am having a lot of trouble understanding how and why a cheezeball like Strauss could continue to keep his stranglehold on the office if he is so widely distrusted; and I am having trouble reconciling my recollections of your previous statements about him with this email which I have just received. I of course apologize in advance if I am not remembering correctly.

Thank you.

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