Yeah, it's a miracle that when he fired his gun at the gas station, the bullet didn't kill his friend back at the apartment he had just left.JJVP wrote:Come on Annoyed. You know that could not have possibly happened. Everyone knows that people with guns all they can do is shoot themselves accidentally. No one ever successfully uses a gun to defend themselves. Stop making things up.
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- Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:40 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Carrying a Gun Saved My Life’: Meet Ryan Moore
- Replies: 7
- Views: 2317
Re: Carrying a Gun Saved My Life’: Meet Ryan Moore
- Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:09 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Carrying a Gun Saved My Life’: Meet Ryan Moore
- Replies: 7
- Views: 2317
Carrying a Gun Saved My Life’: Meet Ryan Moore ... epage=true
Carrying a Gun Saved My Life’: Meet Ryan Moore
The type of gun incident most media has no use for.
by PAUL HSIEH, January 30, 2013 - 12:00 am
Carrying a Gun Saved My Life’: Meet Ryan Moore
The type of gun incident most media has no use for.
by PAUL HSIEH, January 30, 2013 - 12:00 am
Fascinating story. Show it to your "non-believing" friends.On December 11, 2010, in Conyers, GA, 22-year-old Ryan Moore was at a friend’s house for an evening of leisure. He borrowed a friend’s car to drive to the nearby grocery store, where his handgun saved his life. I interviewed Ryan Moore over e-mail about that evening.
- What happened that night at the Ingles (grocery store) parking lot?
I had parked near the front of the store. A man approached as I was about to get out, asking if I had some spare money he could use for gas. After replying I didn’t have any cash, he proceeded to walk away. As I was watching him leave, I then stepped out of the vehicle and was grabbed from behind by a man who put a knife to my neck. The first man then came back and demanded my keys and wallet.
How much time did you have to react?
It took a few seconds for me to realize what was happening. Once it dawned on me, I made the decision to fight back.
I grabbed the knife and pulled it away from my neck. After a brief struggle, I managed to push him away allowing me to create a few feet of distance, where I was able to draw my revolver from concealment and to fire in defense as he came back towards me with the knife.