My theory is this: the firearm community is by nature more conservative than others, and that conservatism leads to a natural reticence to "get loud and proud." This is a major reason why our voice gets drowned out. But once we get aroused enough to speak out from a united front in large numbers, we are a very powerful force. It's not just the 300+ million guns in private hands, it is the 100 million plus households with guns, which represents a majority of households in the country. The problem is that those households have to perceive an attack on a common interest for them to unite the way we've seen in the past few days and overcome their natural reticence to speak out. That alone should be a sign of how overt the attacks on us have been.....that it aroused a group of people who normally keep quiet and suffer to stand up and be counted.C-dub wrote:I've wondered about this too, but with recent decisions by the SCOTUS, say the last 30 years or so, it might not do any good. I've specifically wondered about going after the Miller decision that was based on factually incorrect information.txjim42 wrote:Curious... Has the firearm community ever gone on the offensive? Gone after the NFA or other laws that might not make sense? Kept the fight in the Anti's face to keep them on the defensive because we want to regain our lost liberty?
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Return to “REPUBLICAN INSIDER: Obama Livid Over Gun Rights Backlash”
- Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:10 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: REPUBLICAN INSIDER: Obama Livid Over Gun Rights Backlash
- Replies: 28
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Re: REPUBLICAN INSIDER: Obama Livid Over Gun Rights Backlash
- Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:05 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: REPUBLICAN INSIDER: Obama Livid Over Gun Rights Backlash
- Replies: 28
- Views: 4219
Re: REPUBLICAN INSIDER: Obama Livid Over Gun Rights Backlash
And I would agree with you. There are some of Obama's 23 bullet points that make me very wary, but overall, it was a FAIL for now. I don't think that this means we can all relax. But it does mean that the immediate full-court press has been stopped, and we now have time to take a deep breath and begin to be better organized, and to start picking apart his proposals. We can be certain that, even with those bullet points we might agree with, as read, HIS interpretation will be vastly different than our own.74novaman wrote:Color me skeptical that a republican insider would know what goes on between Obama and Harry Reid.
I do think the EOs were tamer than Obama wanted. The potential for abuse is there, but I was shocked at how....toothless the EOs announced yesterday were.
The battles not over, but the winds seem favorable. I'm cautiously optimistic we can stop any gun control.
For instance, what is a "dangerous person" (item #4)? I worry for those of my friends who have served this country honorably under very difficult circumstances, and who now suffer from PTSD. They are not unstable, and they are productive citizens. Are they to be disarmed because some communist flunky in a poorly disguised communist administration thinks they can take guns away from a whole class of people in one fel swoop by ginning up an irrational fear of PTSD's psychological wounds? Does anybody think that Obama's media lapdogs (but I repeat myself) wouldn't jump right on that bandwagon and beat that drum until the sheep started to believe it?
[sidebar rant]
And speaking of the media lapdogs (but I repeat myself), when I inherit my rightful throne on Planet TAM, I will immediately remind ALL reporters that SCOTUS has affirmed that police have no duty to protect, and I would institute Constitutional Carry and strike down all anti-dueling laws.
I think it might improve the tenor of discussion in any future "national conversations" quite a bit.
[/sidebar rant]
- Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:15 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: REPUBLICAN INSIDER: Obama Livid Over Gun Rights Backlash
- Replies: 28
- Views: 4219
REPUBLICAN INSIDER: Obama Livid Over Gun Rights Backlash
REPUBLICAN INSIDER: Obama Livid Over Gun Rights Backlash
by Ulsterman on January 16, 2013 ... -backlash/
by Ulsterman on January 16, 2013 ... -backlash/
THIS time......Like me you were probably watching the president’s gun control speech today. Was told this morning the presentation today was a revised version that was completed just last night after a bunch of back and forth between the White House and Senate leaders. Guessing that would be Harry Reid mostly. Last week the president was ready to go all in on the executive order scenario. Confiscation was going to be in play. Then the backlash came and it forced Obama to back off. He didn’t want to but after Reid said it was a no go, and the NRA was preparing to go to war with the White House, the president was given a revised script and that is what we heard this morning. You could tell too. Obama stumbled over the words more than usual. He didn’t have the time to prep the script like he normally does. Probably fuming he was forced to read the new version also.
This time WE WON and OBAMA LOST.