Those people don't know what they're talking about.Chuck nasty wrote:I live in Houston and Im want to get my CHL. A lot of people I have been talking to are telling me that if you have a CHL an you do have to defend yourself and you do shoot someone that they try to prosecute you even more. I signed up for a class Friday. If anyone can help I would appreciate it. Thanks for your time
Rule number 1 about getting information about CHL: don't listen to people who don't have one. They truly don't know what they are talking about, and most of them have never even read the laws involved.
Rule number 2 about getting information about CHL: don't listen to half of the people who do have one, unless they are a member of this board, because they haven't really bothered to learn what they're about, and they've forgotten most what they learned in class.
Rule number 3 about getting information about CHL: don't listen to most attorneys unless they actually have practice experience in this area of the law.........and they have a CHL.
Rule number 4 about getting information about CHL: even if your pretty sure that the cop is an ignorant fool, nod pleasantly, say "yes sir, no sir," and do what he tells you to do. (My experience is that this will not be an issue in most cases.)