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by The Annoyed Man
Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:27 pm
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: Proclaiming Liberty: What Patriots and Heroes Really Said
Replies: 7
Views: 2322

Re: Proclaiming Liberty: What Patriots and Heroes Really Sai

Jumping Frog wrote:Well, finished reading the book and it was quite interesting. It earned a slot on my bookshelf.
Ditto least in my Kindle app....for now. :mrgreen:

I probably will buy a printed copy. One very good resource is "Essential Liberty" from the Patriot Post: I buy these things five or so at a time, and I distribute them to interested young people. Boy does it open some eyes!
by The Annoyed Man
Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:32 am
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: Proclaiming Liberty: What Patriots and Heroes Really Said
Replies: 7
Views: 2322

Re: Proclaiming Liberty: What Patriots and Heroes Really Sai

The Annoyed Man wrote:
Jumping Frog wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Bob, thanks for the link. I just downloaded the Kindle edition.
I don't have a Kindle, but I am curious about something. Does it let you select text and copy? I bought the actual printed book, and there are quotes I'd like to use under certain circumstances.
No....Kindle will let you highlight text and bookmark it, but it won't let you copy it to the clipboard. I reckon that's deliberate. But, the Kindle edition of this book is only $3.95, so it's a pretty good deal.
OK, so I learned something interesting about the Kindle app last night....... The desktop version of the app, at least on my MacBook Pro, will permit you to copy text and paste it. See THIS POST. Each time you copy and paste, the data from the clipboard includes the book cite information. In the linked post, I simply italicized the included cite to make sure that it was differentiated from the actual copied text.

This makes the desktop app into a MOST useful tool.
by The Annoyed Man
Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:30 pm
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: Proclaiming Liberty: What Patriots and Heroes Really Said
Replies: 7
Views: 2322

Re: Proclaiming Liberty: What Patriots and Heroes Really Sai

Jumping Frog wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Bob, thanks for the link. I just downloaded the Kindle edition.
I don't have a Kindle, but I am curious about something. Does it let you select text and copy? I bought the actual printed book, and there are quotes I'd like to use under certain circumstances.
No....Kindle will let you highlight text and bookmark it, but it won't let you copy it to the clipboard. I reckon that's deliberate. But, the Kindle edition of this book is only $3.95, so it's a pretty good deal.
by The Annoyed Man
Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:22 am
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: Proclaiming Liberty: What Patriots and Heroes Really Said
Replies: 7
Views: 2322

Re: Proclaiming Liberty: What Patriots and Heroes Really Sai

Bob, thanks for the link. I just downloaded the Kindle edition.

If I may add another suggestion, Patriot Post publishes some shirt-pocket sized booklets that are similar in intention. One of them is called "Essential Liberty" ( Here is the product description:
The Essential Liberty Guide—much more than just a founding documents booklet
Softcover, 155 pages
Measures 4.75" by 3.5"

Restore our Constitution’s integrity and mandate for Rule of Law! The Essential Liberty Pocket Reference Guide contains the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Additionally, an inspiring historical introduction by the Patriot Post’s executive editor Mark Alexander, the Oath of Allegiance to the Constitution, the Declaration of the Cause and Necessity of Taking Up Arms, the Virginia Declaration of Rights, The Articles of Confederation, various state plans from the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention, and a wide selection of quotations from the Founding Fathers are all included in this excellent pocket reference.
The price is $4.25

Quantity Discounts
2-10 $3.75
11+ $2.25

I usually buy 4 or 5 at a time, and I hand them out to young people whom I have engaged with in a conversation about the Constitution and the nation's foundational principles. It is shocking how any of them have never even once looked at the Constitution. Because the book is small and easy to carry around, written in a straightforward voice without bombast, I have found that the recipients are universally grateful to receive it and they go away promising to read it.

It's not much, but that's my part and it is what I can do. When educators deliberately abandon teaching the Constitution to their charges because it stands in opposition to their personal agendas, then we must pick up the cudgel and take upon ourselves to teach the young, else we wind up with the state of the nation we endure today.....only worse.

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