My office at the time was located on approach, about 1/4 mile off the west end of runway 8/26 at Burbank Airport. Normally, we had Southwest 737s and American Air MD80s landing practically right over our heads all the every 5 or 10 minutes or so. So when the flights stopped, it got abnormally quiet, even in broad daylight.loadedliberal was strange not to hear the sounds of jets at night, that silence really sticks in my mind for some reason.
Then, within an hour or so after the last commercial aircraft landed, we had a flight of F-18s come in and land. From then on for about the next week or so, we had F-18s coming and going at regular intervals, using BUR as an airfield, as they flew CAP over the area. There seemed to always be at least one of them circling high overhead in a racetrack pattern. Occasionally, 2 or 3 of them would race off together in some direction or other, presumably to investigate something, before returning to the "hornet's nest" at BUR. Then one day, they were gone.
It was almost comforting when all the noise of commercial flights resumed because it was a sign that, despite the terrible blow our nation had been dealt, life was returning to normal..........a new kind of normal in which the word "terrorism" was now a part of the daily language......but normal nonetheless.