As an unapologetic republican, guilty as charged. But that said, you should feel the same way about your representation. A) Did you support campus carry? B) Did your party support campus carry? C) Did your representative and senator support campus carry? If you supported campus carry, and your party did not, are you disappointed with your party? (I am disappointed generally with the republican party in Texas over this issue.) If you supported campus carry and your district representation did not, are you angry with them for perpetuating a safe-for-criminals environment?BillT wrote:With all due respect as well, I would like to point out that a quick use of the search function of Annoyed Man's previous posts reveals the use of the word Democrat or Democratic in 119 separate postings. Not all of the post, but many in my opinion, beat up on my representation with some very broad brush generalized thinking! Whats good for the goose...!!!But we really should get back to the original Bad Sign Walk Off.
With regard to campus carry, what percentage of republicans in the legislature supported it, versus the percentage of democrats who supported it. I'm willing to bet that a greater percentage of republicans supported it than democrats. I'm talking percentage, not sheer numbers, because even though it failed to pass, I would also be surprised if the total number of republicans who voted in favor wasn't pretty close to the total number of democrats in the legislature. Obviously, it didn't pass. House republicans outnumber democrats 101 to 49. Senate republicans outnumber democrats 19 to 12. For the house to have passed campus carry, it would have required 76 votes (50%+1). For the Senate to have passed campus carry would have required 16 votes.
In any case, apostate speaks like he wants to wipe out the entire republican party because his representation failed him. My point is that I am happy with my representation because they voted in favor of campus carry. The solution isn't to fire my representation along with his when it was his representation that was part of the problem, not mine. If you are in favor of campus carry, and your representation voted against it, then your representation is the problem, not mine. And if my gut feeling turns out to be true—that democrats voted against it in higher percentages than did republicans—then you would be better served to vote republican in the next election cycle, helping to ensure that future attempts to pass campus carry will succeed.