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by The Annoyed Man
Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:46 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.
Replies: 54
Views: 6743

Re: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.

Apophis wrote:Reading a lot of these posts kind of seem ironic. Many who are for prohibition or the "war" on drugs sound a lot like those anti-gun liberals.

"Bloody in the streets"
"only crazies do that"
"society will fall into pieces if this is made legal"
Reread my posts. I made no such statements. Not even close.

Not to make an anecdotal statement or comparing micro to macro, however some "potsmokers" I've know who may or may not live in the states, make more money than 95%+ of the posters on this board.
What does that have to do with anything? Income has little or nothing to do with anything I've said. Not a single thing. And for the record, I've been around people with that kind of income too. Income ≠ character. I judge people by the content of their character, not the contents of their bank accounts. Besides that, you have no idea on earth what "95%+" of this board earns. Not a clue. Therefore, that particular statement is meaningless.

If you feel the gov't needs to protect us from a plant, maybe you should consider on the gov't protecting us from those evil scary guns with the long magazines than can take a tank out from 3 miles away, and has baby-seeking death bullets. :lol:
A disrespectful nonsensical red herring. Here is a detailed definition of "red herring":
Red herring is an idiomatic expression referring to the rhetorical or literary tactic of diverting attention away from an item of significance.
See my responses in red above...

I don't really care one way or the other if you want to smoke dope. I really don't. It's not for me, but you're not me, so if you want to smoke it, and you think you can do it without A) losing your job, and B) getting busted, go head on brother. But if I may suggest something to you, perhaps you should not smoke any of it before trying to post something based on logic or not having actually read and understood the posts to which you are responding.
by The Annoyed Man
Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:24 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.
Replies: 54
Views: 6743

Re: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.

RottenApple wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:.....The number of medical marijuana users who legitimately need this drug for legitimate medical reasons is a small percentage of the total number who have prescriptions for it.....
...but I do know of one case in which it really is the best option for the patient....

So while I agree that most (95% if I'm being generous) medical pot users are phonies, there are some people out there who are helped by it.
That's essentially what I said. I think that if it is to be legally called "medical" marijuana, then it ought to be only dispensed by real pharmacies, and filled only by real pharmacists......pharmacists who will call the doctor on it if they think that the "patient" is abusing the prescription process—just like they would do if I were abusing the process of obtaining opiates for pain. If it is a real pharmaceutical, then it ought to be a controlled substance, the same way my blood pressure and thyroid medications are controlled substances. If it isn't a real pharmaceutical, then stop calling it "medical" marijuana, and start being honest for a change and calling it "this is me gettin high 'cause I wanna" marijuana, and start speaking some truth about it for once.
by The Annoyed Man
Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:28 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.
Replies: 54
Views: 6743

Re: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.

I think that medical marijuana is crap. It's just an excuse to smoke dope. The number of medical marijuana users who legitimately need this drug for legitimate medical reasons is a small percentage of the total number who have prescriptions for it, most of whom are just dead weight to the rest of society. And as a person who lives with real pain for medically quantifiable reasons, I resent them. They're full of crap. I've even seen pot dealers at places like Burning Man and other events tell police that they have "patients" not customers, and it is plainly just so much bull.

But, that said, there is something about this line of thought in Oregon that troubles me. I have a severe back problem. I mean, really, really severe. It's not just a bit of an ache or a twinge. I have a sort of standing order with refills and regularly take two drugs for relief of that pain, prescribed by my doctor. One is "Etodolac," which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. The other is hydrocodone, an opiate. I usually, but not always, take them both together, and I use these drugs on more days than I do not. When I do, it is usually just once a day, but occasionally more than that. The Etodolac doesn't have any other perceptible effects than simply calming down inflammation. However, there is no denying that I can feel the effects of the hydrocodone. I'm not drunk or drowsy, or anything like that, but I can feel its relaxing effect and I can feel the pain washing away. I am not addicted. I can, and have done so many times, gone days without taking it if I'm not suffering any pain at the time, and I have no cravings when I don't take it. (All of my doctors have assured me at various times that people who are truly in pain tend not to actually get addicted. The addiction happens when they continue to take the drug because it feels good, after the source of the pain has been healed back to normal.)

Anyway, some people might argue that a guy like me shouldn't carry a gun. But it is my condition that most compels me to do so, because I don't really have any means of fleeing or fighting. For me, there isn't any "Plan B". This is my Plan A, B, and C. I am comfortable with my mental state and stability, so I would tell that person to butt out and mind their own business.
by The Annoyed Man
Wed May 18, 2011 3:43 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.
Replies: 54
Views: 6743

Re: Oregon LEO's at odds w/medical pot users having CHL's.

Ameer wrote:viewtopic.php?f=94&t=43827

I thought this argument sounded familiar. :smilelol5:
Same here.

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