What do you call a man with no arms or legs stuck in a pile of leaves?7075-T7 wrote:Oldgringo wrote:She said, 'Aye - Ye will be when the tide comes in.'
What name to you give to a surfer with no arms and no legs?
What do you call a man with no arms or legs hanging on a wall?
What do you call a man with no arms or legs at your front door?
OK, OK, I'll stop with the "What do you call a man with no arms or legs" stuff.
How many elephants can you fit in a VW Bug?
Five. Two in the back, two in the front, and one in the glove compartment.
An Aggie is walkin' down the street with a pig under his arm, and this ol' boy walks up and says, "Where d'ya get that?" The pig says, "Won him in a raffle."
Have you heard about the new corduroy pillows?
They're making headlines!
Why does a chicken coop have only two doors?
If it had four, it would be a chicken sedan.
What do you call a fly with no wings?
A walk.
Where did Napoleon keep his armies?
In his sleevies.
Why won't a bike stand up by itself?
It's two tired.