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by The Annoyed Man
Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:38 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: TX rep to author OC
Replies: 156
Views: 31596

Re: TX rep to author OC

Heartland Patriot wrote:...not to mention the lessened amount of clothing most folks wear due to our fine summers and the attendant difficulties with carry during those months. I apologize for beating that horse so thoroughly, but they are legitimate concerns.
It gets plenty hot in the DFW area during the summer months. I have no difficulty concealing anything from a pocket carried .357 snubbie to a full sized steel framed 1911.
by The Annoyed Man
Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:26 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: TX rep to author OC
Replies: 156
Views: 31596

Re: TX rep to author OC

Heartland Patriot wrote:I think some have made this statement before but here goes: I would like to see the Concealed Carry License simply be a Carry choose how to carry based on the circumstances. That would remove that whole "intentional failure to conceal" bull manure and you wouldn't have to worry about what the definition of "openly discernible to the ordinary observation of a reasonable person" meant to an LEO or a lawyer...I would still cover it up as that is the wise and dare I say "tactical" thing to do...but then I and all the rest of you wouldn't have to be concerned about a situation where Sally Soccermom from the "Keep Austin Weird" crew, or a Mall-Ninja-type security guard, from calling the cops and them wasting both your and the taxpayers' money over NOTHING, not to mention possibly putting you in potential lethal situation involving LEOs like one forum member had happen not so long ago. Others have said it cannot work but Alaska and Arizona beg to bloodbaths that I have heard of and you KNOW the media would have made a stink if they could...and for the record, Phoenix is a pretty big town AND a lot of Californians have moved to that state, as well...all that said, if all we can get is Campus Carry and "The Parking Lot Protection Act" passed, I'll consider that a win...just not a blowout victory. Alright, stepping off the soapbox now...
Again, what happens in Alaska and Arizona is irrelevant because they have always had open carry. So there was no legal, legislative, or social inertia to overcome. They never had to reverse existing laws to gain OC. I agree that Campus Carry and a Parking Lot Exception would be victories, but unlike you, I do think those would be huge victories. Why? Because if we can get those passed in 2011, then in 2013 or 2015, when the public has had time to realize that there was no explosion in violent gun-related bloodbaths, then passing OC becomes much more easy.

That's why I can't stand bomb-throwers. They will derail the whole process and we lose everything by their continuing to insist on making enemies in the legislative community, and they ultimately kill the the very goal they claim to support. There is much MUCH lack of wisdom in that approach.
by The Annoyed Man
Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:53 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: TX rep to author OC
Replies: 156
Views: 31596

Re: TX rep to author OC

PATHFINDER wrote:...would simply like to see Texas join the other 43 open carry states.
I would very much like to see a list of those 43 states where open carry is legal, and recognized by law enforcement as a civil right against which they are not allowed to encroach.

I'm betting that you can't provide such a list. There are lots of states where it is legal, but many of those states have local preemption laws. For instance, Nevada is an open carry state, but try to open carry in Las Vegas. They kill people there for concealed carry in the Costco. And as it happens, Clark County Nevada, where Las Vegas is, has an ordinance against open carry. So if a state has legal open carry, but local preemption permits most counties and municipalities to make it illegal at the local level, than you can't in all honesty add that state to a list of those where OC is legal. To do so is disingenuous. And that is the problem with the bomb-throwers in the movement: they make broad statements about OC being legal in 43 states, but they fail to mention that it will still get you arrested in most of those 43 states.

The REAL truth is that unrestricted OC is found in perhaps a half dozen states.
by The Annoyed Man
Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:43 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: TX rep to author OC
Replies: 156
Views: 31596

Re: TX rep to author OC

Beiruty wrote:the current tx house is almost 66% Republicans and assumed to be pro gun. I would love to see OC amd the other 2 bills Parking lots and campus carry all passed. Unified the pro gun lobby OC or CHL can be a potent driver. Unit do not fight.
66% Republican doesn't always mean anything. There are plenty of Republicans who are self-described "moderates," and they are not necessarily as passionate about gun-rights as their more conservative brethren and sistern.

I'm like the others in that I generally support the idea of OC, but I am unwilling to be in anyway associated with bomb-throwers. And "bomb-throwers" is a very good description of some of folks at That stuff never will get a majority of legislators on board, Republican or not, because it is off-putting. On a purely human interaction level, it doesn't matter how constitutionally pure your argument and motivations are if all you do is tick-off the very people whose votes you need to get your bill passed.

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