You can also find this configuration in other brands. All Kimber "Ultras" are 3" 1911s, and the "Pros" are 4" 1911s with the full-sized grip frames. But in some of the models, the "Compact" has the smaller grip frame of the "Ultras" with the 4" barrels of the "Pro" line.RiverRat wrote:A 3" 1911 like a Colt Defender will tuck very well in most circumstances. I have used one for carry for a while, but changed and been carrying an STI Guardian for the last couple of months which is a 1911 with a grip sized the same as the Defender, but with a 4" barrel for a little more sight accuracy. The STI is very accurate compared to the Defender for me. Two to one or better improvement in group sizes (smaller). I have never had a failure of any kind with either of them and both have been fired more than 600-700 rounds. Both are .45acp.
Good luck.
One important thing to consider in this range of gun is whether it has a steel or alloy frame. The alloy frames are better suited for concealed carry because of the weight advantage.