It wasn't an ideal situation for you, that's for sure. If it were me, and the hindsight mine, I would made sure my wife had her own CHL and her own gun from now on. My wife really does have her CHL, and she has a Glock 19.
Please understand that what I'm saying next isn't a criticism leveled at either you or your wife. It is a suggestion about what you should do for the future. The hard reality is that, from 15 miles away, there was absolutely nothing you could do to protect your wife, and she had to drive 15 miles, pursued by this terrorist, in order to get to where she thought was a safe place - which turned out wasn't so safe after all. So while I do applaud your willingness to stand up for her in her time of need, armed only with a bat against an unknown threat level, your wife was left dangerously unprotected during the 15 mile ordeal, and that was really where the bigger risk was - on the way to you, not after she got there.
I would urge her in the strongest possible terms to get her CHL, get a gun, learn to shoot it, and begin to develop the mindset she'll need if she ever - God forbid - has to use what she knows. There is much in the Bible to support the idea of it. As someone else said, there are lots of pastors on this board, and most of them carry in the pulpit. I carry in church myself, and I carry when I'm leading worship. I did so tonight. It is given to some to be shepherds, and others to be sheep... ...but it is also given to some to be sheep dogs. And sometimes, it is given to a shepherd to wear both the shepherd and the sheepdog hats. You don't pastor alone. Your wife is part of your pastoral team.
Anyway, I'm not trying to lecture. Your story scared me for you and your wife. Please make sure that she will be able to defend herself from now on in those times when you are not there, for whatever reason, to defend her yourself.
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- by The Annoyed Man
- Mon May 04, 2009 9:07 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: What would you have done...?
- Replies: 25
- Views: 3354
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