In that case, I apologize for not understanding the situation. Fortunately, Skiprr let me know the origins of the story in his post previous to your response. My point about property wasn't so much whether or not property = human life, but rather, does property = my life, or your life. I don't really care about the perpetrator's life so much. The issue was whether or not property was worth dying for.Gracegarden wrote:Wow! The Annoyed Man , You did not get the story correct at all!
I do truly appreciate your input though. Things to think about and to help reinforce my beliefs.
I do not place belongings, inventory, precious photos, anything, above the life of a person. Nothing is that important!
The reason for the "chase" was to "do the right thing." "Not let the BG get away," To get dangerous people off the street.
I could not care less about Academy inventory.
Thank you for your concern and for taking the time to post your opinion, really.
I guess it isn't my job to "get dangerous people off the street" but I seem to be hard-wired that way. To be completely honest I'm not sure I want to change that part of myself. I have been this way since being a young child. Perhaps it is self-esteem issues (everybody deserves a chance to live - at my personal sacrifice) or maybe I just can't stand being forced to watch a 'wrong' anymore.
We deserve our sense of security, our self-respect, our right to walk our children down the street in safety.
Helping to eliminate the threat is all I know to do.
But that apparently wasn't the issue in your story.
Like I said, I admire your passion for justice. I only question the wisdom of putting yourself at risk by chasing down the perps. For instance, I don't know if you and your husband have kids, but if you do, then if I were in your shoes, coming home to my kids alive and safe would take a higher priority than chasing down bad guys if doing so would put me at risk. I don't get paid for that.
I think that pretty much everybody on this board wants to do the right thing, not let bad guys get away with it, and get dangerous people off the street. That being said, the percentage of members here who actually have actually had (and more importantly, maintained current certification in) tactical training, including shoot/don't shoot scenarios, etc., is probably a minority percentage. That would certainly count me out. I'm a somewhat overweight, out of condition, 56 year old fart with a bad back, bad knees, and a bum left ankle. I'm sure as heck not going to go chasing people down. I'm not sure I would know what to do if I caught them. It's like that parable of the dog chasing the car. What's the dog going to do when he catches it? Nope, runnin' and gunnin' ain't for me.
That being said, I'll do what I have to do when trouble comes to me. I'm just not going to go looking for it.
I would say that my primary responsibilities are, in this order, 1) defend myself if necessary; 2) be a good witness; and 3) stand back and let the professionals do their jobs. But that's just me.