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by The Annoyed Man
Sat Apr 29, 2023 10:52 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: The 2nd Amendment and transgenderism
Replies: 18
Views: 4737

Re: The 2nd Amendment and transgenderism

Rafe wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 2:09 am As far as what the future might hold, here's a rather disturbing chart from Statista.

Is there some mass biological event happening in the United States? Nope. Is there some sort of mass indoctrination being carried out by way of our educational systems, leftist political agendas, and mainstream and social media? Hm. A lot more likely. "How can we get more people to view themselves not as part of a unified America, but to primarily affix their self-identity to some 'minority' block so that there is constant tension in the populous?"

But I think we do have to be concerned about the societal aspects of 2A. In Generation Z (born 1997-2011), over one-fifth of them identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. It's 10.5% among Millennials. After Generation Z is Generation Alpha, those born beginning in 2012 (though various sources have slightly different by-year breakdowns for all the groupings), and I fear the escalation to "gender fluidity" is only increasing. Can you say drag shows for pre-teens and introduction of gender-different reading and course materials in elementary and middle schools?

It won't happen in my lifetime, but the Second Amendment is always under attack and, if the political stars align for the left, its repeal is possible.
All of this…^^^

That said, by virtue of my job, I’ve had more conversations in the past 3 years than in the previous 67, with people who have either fully transitioned surgically one way or the other, or who simply like to dress and act like their opposite gender. (In this context, I use gender and sex interchangeably. Your real gender is whatever your sex chromosomes say it is…male or female. Biology doesn’t lie.) Whenever those conversations have turned to the 2A—almost unavoidable sometimes because it’s inside a gun store—I usually express the idea that the 2A is for ALL of us, regardless of color, age, sexual preference, genetic gender or gender identity…it’s even for furries. :mrgreen:

I’ve found that it’s possible to have some remarkably frank conversations that way. Regardless of what I think of transgenderism, for instance, it’s highly likely that the individual transgender person has been bullied for it at some point in their life, and that owning and carrying a firearm to protect themselves is a perfectly valid concept.

Balanced against that is the probability that at least some of these folks are pretty psychologically unstable, and maybe they shouldn't carry a gun. But that’s not my determination to make, and until they actually do something wrong with that gun, can they be denied the right to carry it? My answer would be, if we want to be consistent in our outrage against red-flag laws, then we have to support the RKBA for ALL people, some (but not all) convicted felons aside.

Ditto for other hot-button issues like marijuana use and gun rights. I think it was in Tennessee that that whackadoodle state legislator—who has recently adopted Jesse Jackson's speech patterns—authored a bill that would take away 2A rights from anybody who takes a prescribed medication from a list of drugs that are sometimes used to treat mental health issues. The problem is that many of those drugs are also prescribed to treat NON-mental health issues. I was disturbed to see that one of the drugs on that list was prescribed to me in a low dose by my personal care physician a few months ago…for an aging problem NOT related to my mental health. That manure blister of a legislator would squash my 2A rights for no medically justifiable reason. I hope he chokes on a chicken bone. :mad5

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