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by locknload
Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:00 am
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: My experience with Bailey's House of Guns
Replies: 28
Views: 16525

Re: My experience with Bailey's House of Guns

NcongruNt wrote:
Lumberjack98 wrote:I went there once and will never go back. It is a terrible range.

I agree that there are a lot of great ranges around Houston. Let us know next time you're in town and we'll give you some good advice on some outdoor ranges.
Yeah, I was planning to post on here a couple of days in advance, but work emergencies had me working like a madman in the couple of days leading up to the trip to Houston, and by the time I was there, I didn't think I would get feedback in time to use it.

I was in Friendswood and Clear Lake while down there. I ought to become a PSC member just so I have a decent range to go to during the few trips a year I take down there. ;-) Any good public ranges in that area anyone can recommend?
PSC is topnotch! :thumbs2: They, too, have rules, but they are reasonable ones that make sense. DH and I love shooting there! Yesterday, we had the range almost all to ourselves. During the daytime on week days, I am often one of less than a handful of folks out there shooting. I really like that! Other times, a bunch of members and guests go to one of the slots that have multiple backboards, set up multiple targets, and we line up and fire in a line. One person acts as "range master" and calls the range "hot" and "cold." We follow the PSC (NRA) rules, and we have a blast! :fire

I highly recommend PSC! :iagree:

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