Actually American Express cards are not credit cards they are charge cards which you must pay off each month and can not carry a balance. So although yes they could pay with cash why would you want to carry all that cash around when you can just have a piece of plastic(actually titanium) ? [/rant]BigBlueDodge wrote:I don't know. Showing your CHL when you have other forms of ID (namely a DL) seems an awful lot like boasting. It's almost like the people who have a Centurian American Express (aka the black Amex). The people who get those, really don't need a credit card when they could just flat out pay cash. In my opinion, they get it to let other's know of their status.
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Return to “Have/Would you ever use your CHL as a genearl purpose ID?”
- Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:22 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Have/Would you ever use your CHL as a genearl purpose ID?
- Replies: 50
- Views: 5521
Re: Have/Would you ever use your CHL as a genearl purpose ID?
- Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:25 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Have/Would you ever use your CHL as a genearl purpose ID?
- Replies: 50
- Views: 5521
Re: Have/Would you ever use your CHL as a genearl purpose ID?
Is it a valid ID being that you have you carry both a DL and CHL when carrying? Anyway I thought it would be amusing once to use it for ID when going through the San Francisco Airport (SFO). TSA found it less amusing then I did and they called over a 2nd agent to come look at it. I was then asked who issued it (I proudly said the state of Texas) and if I would be carrying on the flight today. I told them no not today. They then asked me how I was able to get this "type" of ID (I dont think they even knew what a CHL was) and I explained to them that it was more difficult to get then a drivers license which is especially true in California where they give anyone a drivers license. After that they let me through with out ever asking for another form of ID. I have shown it at DFW many times and it is treated just like any other ID.