I'm wondering if the gun becomes magnitized, and it's loaded with sub-sonic/low recoil loads, could the magnetic pull become so strong that it would stop the bullets from leaving the barrel?TheBrit wrote:So, at school we all made non-magnetized metals magnetic by rubbing them in the same direction with a magnet.
So, using this magnet frequently, is it possible your gun could become magnetized, and could that magnetic charge then potentially cause problems. I carry in close proximity to where my credit cards sit in my wallet. I've accidentally wiped cards before with a magnetic field.
Is this a valid concern or should I wear the tinfoil hat and stop worrying
Sorry, my hat fell off for a moment.
This sure beats my idea of putting my pistol in an insulated beverage holder and then filling it with super foam.
Actually I thank you for sharing this neat idea. I'm tired of constantly adjusting our car gun, as it's repositioned itself into a hard to reach position more than once.