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by LeonCarr
Tue Aug 18, 2020 11:56 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Portland out of control- photography can be dangerous.
Replies: 48
Views: 23039

Re: Portland out of control

Jusme wrote: Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:14 pm
Oldgringo wrote: Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:47 pm Let it burn! The voters of Portland brought this on, let'em all and their cesspool city burn!
Unfortunately, just like every other city this is occurring, there are good people who simply got taken over by the left. While they could have stood up to oppose it, it was an insidious takeover by slick talkers who promised more than they could deliver. Don’t forget,(I know I won’t) we are only four governors away from the same left wing thinking. Ann Richards came in claiming to be a 2A supporter, while vetoing, the first bill on CHL. We took back Texas, because of the Luby’s shooting in Kerrville. There were enough “conservative” democrats to sway us Republican.
I think(and this is just my opinion) the left wing lunatics, have overplayed their hand in Washington, and Oregon. Seattle turned out with a support the police rally, but the powers that be voted to defund anyway. I think Portland will be next battleground. There are a lot of people who expect their city leaders to protect them, and when proven wrong will vote accordingly.
On a side note, it seems that no protests have come to San Fransisco. Why is that? Isn’t that Pelosi’s district? Don’t they have issues?
No all of the protests have come where there is a chance that they could flip in the next election. Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Dallas, Austin, Nashville, and Baltimore. Why not San Antonio? New Orleans? El Paso? Ft. Worth? Las Vegas? Miami? Just sayin...
The Luby's shooting was in Killeen.

Right message, wrong location :rules:

Just my .02,

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