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by HankB
Thu Nov 26, 2009 10:05 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Range Safety Violations
Replies: 34
Views: 6122

Re: Range Safety Violations

Some years back I was working as a range officer at our gun club when we were open to the public for deer rifle sight-in. I'll have to say virtually all shooters listened to direction and seldom needed to be corrected more than once, but one exception still stands out in my mind.

A father comes in with his young son. While the guy is sighting in his gun, the kid - probably around 10 years old - starts climbing on the berm just to the left of the firing line.

Now, this berm is made of a stack of tires filled with dirt . . . it's about 10 feet high and separates the range I was managing from the firing line of an adjacent range, which was HOT at the time.

So I told the kid to stop climbing and get off the berm.

Kid gets mouthy - "You're not my father! You can't tell me what to do!"

So I YELLED at him to get off the damn berm, at which point the father puts down his deer rifle and gets in my face telling me not to yell at his kid.

Kid is STILL on the berm!

So I told the father in no uncertain terms that there was a live range on the other side of the berm, and his kid was going to get his . . . gosh darn . . . head shot off. The reaction? Dad wanted ME to APOLOGIZE to the kid for yelling at him, and THEN the kid would come off the berm! Not before!!!

I'd tried to be civil, but ended up telling the father to get both himself and his juvenile delinquent kid the . . . heck . . . off the range, off the club property, and NOT to EVER come back. Had to pick up the intercom to the range office and actually tell them to call the sheriff before the idiot and his kid finally - with poor grace - left, leaving behind a string of verbiage sure to draw the ire of forum moderators were I to repeat it here. (Wonder how - or if - the kid grew up, with that kind of father.)

(I got some applause from the rest of the crowd for kicking the fool off the range. :cool: )

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