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by HankB
Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:26 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Sheep on passenger vehicles!
Replies: 41
Views: 6288

There does seem to be a concerted effort in the schools to indoctrinate the students into being "sheep" . . . I saw it myself in the '70s in a couple of instances when administrators at my high school started handing down orders which clearly exceeded their authority. For example, they actually set about ordering students not to phone local call-in radio shows to complain about unpopular and bizarre actions by school administration, as it embarassed the same administrators. (They were politely informed that they had no say about what students did away from school.)

We see the long term results today in a variety of ways . . . last year around Austin, cops were randomly pulling people out of bars, administring drunk tests, and arresting them for "public drunkenness" . . . now, there's NO law that says anyone other than the driver of a motor vehicle has to take a sobriety test - certainly not someone sitting quietly, nursing a drink, and watching TV in a bar - but it's scary how many people meekly complied. And were ticketed or arrested if they were over 0.08 BAC.

And how many people consent to warrentless searches, as if there were something wrong with asserting one's rights?

I guess the schools don't teach students what their rights are any more . . . which is sad.

(BTW, in response to a previous post . . . I do not equate "sheep" or "sheeple" with racial epithets, which are altogether different.)

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