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by Owens
Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:57 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open Carry.Org Targets Texas
Replies: 166
Views: 25847

Re: Open Carry.Org Targets Texas


I'm not sure what you're up to, but it does sound interesting.

I do believe in some form of open carry, but...being realistic, I also don't think that the legislature will jump from our present carry situation directly to OC. To get there it will take some steps, gradual ones, and I understand that. It took a good bit of time to get where we are, it will take time to go back too.

I can see the very high possibility of a bill passing that reduces the number of places we can't carry and some streamlining (fixing) to DPS issues. removal of certain prohibitions on carry at various locations would fix a lot of things, especially if it was to allow carry anywhere an LEO can.

I could be dead wrong on this and the legislature may rubber stamp open carry right through. I have been wrong too many times to say definitely one way or the other.


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