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by AggieMM
Fri Sep 28, 2007 6:23 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Parking Lots and 30.06 (again)......
Replies: 40
Views: 6532

seamusTX wrote:We're never going to know until a case goes to appeal.
And that, I believe, is the answer to my question. There is too much gray area, and I don't want to be the person that has the case to define it. :grin:

by AggieMM
Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:26 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Parking Lots and 30.06 (again)......
Replies: 40
Views: 6532

Ah, now I see your point Jim, but I have a question. I'm reading 30.05, and the entry with a handgun is an offense, assuming that entry was prohibited? But I'm not prohibited from entering the parking lot, right? So would 30.05 not apply?

My head hurts, I'm confused........ :sad:

by AggieMM
Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:00 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Parking Lots and 30.06 (again)......
Replies: 40
Views: 6532

Thanks Renegade. :grin:

Let's see if I can clarify/simplify my question. Assuming you are entering a parking lot that has a proper/legal 30.06 sign, and you have a handgun on/or about the person:

1) Can a CHL'r continue on past the sign with the handgun (on/or about the person), park the car, and leave the handgun in the car?

2) Can a non-CHL'r do the same, since 30.06 does not apply to a non-CHL'r.

In both cases, they would be utilizing the new "traveling" law, and does the traveling law preempt the 30.06 for CHL'rs?

It just seems weird if you think about it. Non CHL'rs can ignore that sign (30.06), as only the "licensed" carry beyond that point is prohibited. Seems the 30.06 on a parking lot is only penalizing a CHL'r. That's where my confusion is.......... :grin:

by AggieMM
Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:36 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Parking Lots and 30.06 (again)......
Replies: 40
Views: 6532

Parking Lots and 30.06 (again)......

I know, I hate to do it, but I have a 30.06 and parking lot question. While driving to work, I had a thought come up. Here's the scenario.

My company has legally posted 30.06 signs on all 10+ entrances to their campus facility here in Austin. They are legal, sign position, wording, size of letters, location, and the company owns the property, so no issues there.

When I approach the property, I pull into a parking lot next to my company's property, place the PDA (Personal Defense Accessory) in the trunk, then proceed onto my company's property, passing the 30.06. I do this so I'm not violating the "on or about your person" definition of carrying, and therefore by having it in the trunk, I'm not violating the 30.06.

HOWEVER, I got to thinking, now that the "traveling law" has been cleared up, people without CHLs can leave it in the glove box/under seat. Since they don't have a CHL, they aren't violating the 30.06, ie licensed carry? Do non CHLs have a "perk" over CHLs? People with CHLs can't leave it in the glove box/under seat, or did the new law exempt us?

So, my question is basically, can I leave it in the glove box instead of stopping and putting it in my trunk? Even though there is a proper 30.06 sign?

Thanks for enduring another parking lot / 30.06 question. :grin:


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