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by JLaw
Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:59 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: .45 ACP Hardball
Replies: 21
Views: 5136

Is Winchester Ranger an LEO only load, or can civilians purchase that line of ammunition?

by JLaw
Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:09 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: .45 ACP Hardball
Replies: 21
Views: 5136

HighVelocity wrote:I also know that a 230gr fmj will penetrate multiple layers of glass and drywall, an 8ft long rack of clothes and a 2" thick oak waterbed frame. :oops:


OH NO!!!

Sounds like there's a story behind that?!?

by JLaw
Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:46 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: .45 ACP Hardball
Replies: 21
Views: 5136

.45 ACP Hardball

Read an interesting article in the Feb. '06 issue of Combat Hangguns. It was titled "Maximizing the M1911 .45 ACP", written by Chuck Taylor. Without re-typing the whole article, I'll touch base on the interesting points. Remember here that he's discussing maximizing the 1911 by using the right ammunition for the particular gun, basically a "which ammo is best" kind of thing.

Chuck Taylor writes:

" Though constanly desparged by less knowledgable shooters, standard 230 grain FMJ hardball should not be overlooked as a general purpose choice. Since it's not a high performance load per se, it doesn't exhibit much muzzle flash or muzzle blast. "

" The claim that it's over-penetrative nearly always comes from the assumption that since its military coumterpart, the 9mm, is in fact very over-penetrative with FMJ bullets, it must be, too. In fact nothing could be farther from the truth. With its nominal velocity of 800 feet per second +/-, 230 grain ball expends nearly all of its energy in the target and if it exits at all, is normally pretty much spent."

He goes on to state that in five instances he has used .45 ACP hardball to stop a threat, with a 100% success rate. And that this 100% success rate was possible because he did do his part (refering to shot placement).

" Claims to the contrary are pure poppycock, nothing more, nothing less. Like the claim that it must be over-penetrative because other FMJ pistol ammo is, the notion that .45 ACP 230 grain ball isn't a good manstopper is also based upon an assumption derived from the 9mm, which is a notoriously poor manstopper with FMJ bullets."

With all that said, you can only believe half (at most!) of what you read. My normal carry is either a S&W 908 9mm with +P Gold Dots or a S&W 642 with Winchester SJHP's or Remingtom SWCHP's. I have carried a 9mm FMJ in the past, and if I carry 9x18 Makarov I'll only carry FMJ.

What says the forum on the issue of using .45 ACP ball for protection of home or family? Or am I yet another individual who has been persuaded that I must carry this super-duper double-expanding high-velocity manstopping hollowpoint bullet, which by the way will suck your pocket dry while running a few hundred rounds of it through your carry piece to ensure reliability.

This is not a caliber war, I do not wish to carry 9mm FMJ. But someday I WILL purchase a 1911 for carry, and I'd like some opinions.


I know, I know........................ :deadhorse:

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