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by Armed-Texan
Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:10 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Carrying at an INS checkpoint
Replies: 66
Views: 10007

Re: Carrying at an INS checkpoint

i've never had any problems at the checkpoints. the one i am most familiar with is in Sarita. are you a US citizen? yes i am? have a nice day. haven't been thru their in years though, and certainly not since carrying. when i am contacted by a LEO they get my DL and CHL, they say thanks but i don't have to see this if you aren't carrying, i just reply that i know i don't like surprises either :mrgreen: . the gamewarden checked me fishing one day and he got my fishing license and CHL. he said, i don't know that i've ever seen one of these......
i just prefer to be upfront because i have nothing to hide and i don't want any surprises, i was carrying when the GW checked me, of course!

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