evil_smurf wrote:well im really not sure what i'm doing wrong then. one 5-round "burst" will be great, and then the next one will be like 3 fliers and 2 rounds maybe near the target.
*dryfire, dryfire, dryfire. know the feel of your trigger like the back of your hand.
*try not to anticipate recoil. include snapcaps into your shooting. have a buddy load your magazine with random rounds and snapcaps, then comense fireing.
*focus on your front sight... not the target
evil_smurf wrote:i am very concious about making sure im pulling the trigger nice and smooth, so i'm pretty confident that i'm not jerking the handgun or trigger. i shoot left handed, and currently use a weaver stance. one question though, when i'm using that stance and aiming, am i supposed to keep the gun down my left arm and "move my head" over to aim down my left arm, or is the gun supposed to be out in front of me where i don't have to move my head to aim down my arm?
well... my answer is: use what works best for you, but dont be afraid to try new things (and i dont mean once or twice

i prefer to look at where i want to shoot and then bring the gun into my line of sight; my focus will then adjust to the front sight.
if you ever want to go to the range let me know. i shoot at a private range about an hour or less from College Station. i can teach you the basics (if you wish) much easier in person than on the internet.