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by TDDude
Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:54 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?
Replies: 21
Views: 2981

Re: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?

AndyC wrote:
TDDude wrote:If any of you forum members own a firearm and aren’t at least a member of the NRA, then shame on you. :nono: :nono: :nono:
I used to be an NRA member but until they start supporting EBRs as much as they do the others, I'll consider them Fudd Central and won't renew - or should I just be blissfully happy that I'm paying someone to throw some of my interests under the bus all the time?

And no, I'm not interested in engaging in a debate re my position - they do some very good work but they need to WAKE UP and clean up their act before I'll send them a penny.
Not sure what you mean. Most of the Riflemen mags that I get have EBR's featured. They've been on a 1911 kick for the past few issues but most of the others have stories on various AR platforms and their future or considered replacements.

I guess when an organization gets big, there's always something we won't like. But, she's the girl at the dance, the bus that brought us, the stepmom that's raising us, whatever country metaphore you want to use, that's what the NRA is. If we don't want to end up "walkin home" (another metaphor) it's my opinion that we maintain her needs and treat her right. Oh, and vote. Ya gotta vote for the officers that you want runnin her.

I'm not debating you my friend cause I'm not debatable....... "rlol" "rlol" "rlol" "rlol"
by TDDude
Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:57 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?
Replies: 21
Views: 2981

Re: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?

The ani-gun mantra is part of the liberal agenda. Since liberals approach their mindset as one of faith, they ignore evidence to the contrary. Of course the liberal leadership views it as a way to totalitarianism but that’s another argument. The leadership knows exactly what they’re spewing and where they want to go and where it ends.

However, the rank and file “liberal” has the mindset that government is all knowing and pure and good and the sheep need to step in and stay in line. The first step in this all the way back to Biblical times is to disarm the population. All historical evidence to the contrary showing that communism, socialism, and ultimately fascism (which is the end game of socialism) is a failed system doesn’t matter to a liberal. They always think that “this time by George, we’ll get it right!!”

According to, there are 80 million gun owners in the U.S. If every gun owner in this country belonged to the NRA, there wouldn’t be another anti-gun politician elected to as much as the town Dog Catcher. We would own all three branches of government. Maybe Colt would be able to go back to making revolvers again.

I guess my seriously considered point is that it doesn’t really matter if we have open carry, concealed carry, or 50 cal machine guns mounted on top of our Suburbans. The only way to win the RKBA effort is through groups such as the NRA & TNRA and at the ballot box. If any of you forum members own a firearm and aren’t at least a member of the NRA, then shame on you. :nono: :nono: :nono:

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