I have never been to a Starbucks, but I am happy that they recognize that law-abiding citizens are not a threat. I also understand their desire to stay out of the issue. Being portrayed as "pro-gun" could be as damaging to their business as being "anti-gun". They just want to sell coffee, and I'm fine with that.Sinton wrote: Businesses can choose to ban guns from their premises. Starbucks said Tuesday that it complies with local laws in the 43 states that have open-carry weapon laws. Not to do so, the chain said, would make the chain "require our partners to ask law abiding customers to leave our stores, putting our partners in an unfair and potentially unsafe position."
I am somewhat troubled by the bold section of the quote though. Are they saying that it is potentially unsafe to ask someone to leave the store in general, or are they saying that it is unsafe to ask a person carrying a gun to leave the store? The former I can understand. You can never tell how someone is going to react. The latter would suggest they view armed citizens as more dangerous than unarmed citizens. I think we all would take exception to this.