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by Dave01
Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:02 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Interesting article about workplace carry.
Replies: 26
Views: 3250

Re: Interesting article about workplace carry.

03Lightningrocks wrote:
The part about the whole deal that made me go hummmm, was that this gal must be one big bruiser of a woman. I have bow hunted and I can't load an arrow quick enough to draw and fire at someone to keep from getting knock down. Once the first arrow was fired, what you have is a woman standing there with a bow in her hand. Why didn't one of those guys just knock her out? One of them even had time to run out to his car, get his gun and come back in shooting. Legally it may be a good shoot, but I can't see myself blasting a gun at this chick in the same situation. i would have charged this crazy broad and hit her like a linebacker. She would have woke up three days later and not known her name...LOL.
According to the article (possibly video), she was also carrying a "mock" gun. I'm not sure exactly what they mean. Maybe it was a toy, maybe an airsoft type. Either way, once a co-worker has an arrow sticking out of his chest, proper identification of "that thing shaped exactly like a gun" is pretty low on the priority list.

In the absence of a "gun", I would agree that there may have been a better way to handle this situation. Only those present actually know (although shooting over her head to "keep her down" seems like a poor idea in any situation).

by Dave01
Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:32 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Interesting article about workplace carry.
Replies: 26
Views: 3250

Re: Interesting article about workplace carry.

zbordas wrote:
Jim Oliver, a Houston dad who used to own a software company, said he always respected Texans’ right to arm themselves – that is, until last month.

It was Oliver’s stepdaughter, Julie Parker, who was shot in the Houston office off the Beltway.

Parker survived the ordeal.
If you actually respect a right, then you do so regardless of your individual involvement in a particular incident. There can be no "exclusions" for family and friends. In the video attached to the link, the step father said he feels the CHL's were not justified in shooting, especially because she was mentally handicapped. It's likely they may not have even known this fact. Regardless, once you purposely put an arrow into someones chest, you've just kissed your right to "not be shot at" goodbye. No excuses.


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