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by Laneman
Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:40 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Active duty soldier disarmed by Temple cop
Replies: 1
Views: 1473

Active duty soldier disarmed by Temple cop

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This is very upsetting, Temple is 30 minutes from my ranch. A dad/active duty soldier was hiking with his son. He had an AR15 slung on his shoulder in case of coyotes. The cop asked him why he was carrying a rifle. The man responded with "do I need a reason", and that was it. Rifle was confiscated, man was charged with "rudely displaying a weapon". Now I don't know every detail, such as was he in a neighborhood or out on the trail, but based on the video he should not have been disarmed.

I support the police and admire what they do for us, but this was uncalled for in my opinion. I also believe the citizen's rights were grossly violated and that he should seek legal recourse.

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