Wow even on a Navy Destroyer our quota was 25gal per person per day. And we actually made more than that from our salt water evaporators
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- Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:59 am
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- Topic: CA: No place but California
- Replies: 611
- Views: 249918
Re: CA: No place but California
- Thu Jan 04, 2018 4:51 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: CA: No place but California
- Replies: 611
- Views: 249918
Re: CA: No place but California
I always wanted a Radio Shack TRS-80 with a cassette tape drive and 4K of RAM for $599 in 1978 dollars, a mere $2367 in today's dollars.RogueUSMC wrote:My first Computer had no hard The 5.25 inch floppies would hold 144kb of data unless you splurged on the high density ones that would hold 1.2 I have web resolution images that won't fit on one of
Man that Zilog Z-80 processor was screamin' with a 1.7Mhz rate. Only 2000 times slower than today's typical CPU. And 4,000,000 times less memory.

- Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:25 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: CA: No place but California
- Replies: 611
- Views: 249918
Re: CA: No place but California
In my day we used good ole fashioned vacuum tubes in our ENIAC. And we programmed it by flipping switches and rotating dials. Good we cracked that Enigma code and the Japanese Navy code though! We didn't want our future to look like the Philip K. Dick novel "Man in the High Castle"...