If you know me well enough to invite me over to your house you will know that I carry all the time that I am awake, including Church. If you do not want me to carry at your house you need to specify that carry is not allowed and I will comply by not darkening your doorstep. I am not being sarcastic, if you come to my house I will expect you to act proper and curiously, but would not ask you to disarm. Asking a person to disarm that you have invited to your house is showing a lack of faith in that persons morals and intentions and you should not have invited them. Your carrying a firearm is hopefully for the same reasons that I carry mine.
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I think MMY's post might have been better if said something more along the lines of what I was saying earlier. Hospitality goes both ways...if you have criteria for guests in your home that they may not know like no CC or "take your shoes off at the door" then you ought to communicate them in advance , or at least upon arrival of the guest. Just so your guest has the opportunity to comply, or choose not to visit you...if he has a CCW or stinky feet. I think a reasonably noticeable NO SOLICITORS, NO GUNS, CIRCLE "/" SHOES on you door would do.