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by ScottDLS
Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:57 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: CC at private residence
Replies: 51
Views: 8703

Re: CC at private residence

If you know me well enough to invite me over to your house you will know that I carry all the time that I am awake, including Church. If you do not want me to carry at your house you need to specify that carry is not allowed and I will comply by not darkening your doorstep. I am not being sarcastic, if you come to my house I will expect you to act proper and curiously, but would not ask you to disarm. Asking a person to disarm that you have invited to your house is showing a lack of faith in that persons morals and intentions and you should not have invited them. Your carrying a firearm is hopefully for the same reasons that I carry mine.

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I think MMY's post might have been better if said something more along the lines of what I was saying earlier. Hospitality goes both ways...if you have criteria for guests in your home that they may not know like no CC or "take your shoes off at the door" then you ought to communicate them in advance , or at least upon arrival of the guest. Just so your guest has the opportunity to comply, or choose not to visit you...if he has a CCW or stinky feet. I think a reasonably noticeable NO SOLICITORS, NO GUNS, CIRCLE "/" SHOES on you door would do. :lol:
by ScottDLS
Sun Apr 19, 2015 3:50 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: CC at private residence
Replies: 51
Views: 8703

Re: CC at private residence

BlueMerle wrote:
jmra wrote:
BlueMerle wrote:
ScooterSissy wrote:I guess I'm a little surprised at some of the responses here. Some feel no one should come in their homes without first telling whether or not they're armed; do those folks also feel that permission should be granted by a business owner before someone carries? Why should a business have to post, but not a homeowner? To me, it's the same concept, if you don't want someone to carry in your home, post it.

As far as carrying in other folks homes, I carry just about anytime I leave the house. I'm not going to disarm just because I"m going to someone's home that i know (unless I see a sign on the door). I'm typically not going to leave it at home (unless they tell me to ahead of time). I've never had either happen.

Most of those that know me well know that if I come over, there's a good chance I'm armed. Those that don't know, I'm not likely to tell them one way or another.

I never said that in any way shape or form. You don't need to tell me anything, but you'd better not carry in my home without my permission.
Just curious, if your home isn't posted how is someone supposed to know they "better not carry in my home without my permission"?
They won't and I'll never post my home either. Perhaps I, and many I know, just see the issue differently. A persons home is sacrosanct imo. It's nothing more than common courtesy.

Now to be clear, I'm not going to cause a scene if I happen to find that someone is carrying in my home but I will have a private talk with them and explain that I find it rude and may ask them to put it in their vehicle.... may. (this assumes they have a chl, if not they'll be asked to leave immediately.)
While I don't agree with you on this point, I believe we may have a way to handle this if open carry passes. If you're entering the home of someone where you don't know how they feel on CC, you open carry and point to it before you enter thereby seeking permission (as suggested by somebody earlier above).

And by the way if you do feel so strongly, it's kind of rude not to post a sign or tell the person in advance how you feel before inviting them.
by ScottDLS
Sat Apr 18, 2015 4:52 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: CC at private residence
Replies: 51
Views: 8703

Re: CC at private residence

Sshhhh!!! My wife may make me replace the non-compliant gunbuster sign on the door to "Chez ScottDLS". :shock:

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