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by ScottDLS
Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:09 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Are we actually still in violation of 30.06 at gun shows?
Replies: 32
Views: 5999

Re: Are we actually still in violation of 30.06 at gun shows

PvilleStang wrote:Playing Devil's advocate here: They do have the option of refusing entry, correct? Can this come down to the fact that they are essentially leasing space from the city for a day, and could be considered the tenants of said building? These shows are run under one company, which sells vendor space to the vendors, so in essence, they do have a right to deny business in general to anyone.

I would like to hear how that would be interpreted in the eyes of the law.
Sure they can deny you entry...they just don't have the ability to use a criminal sanction to back it up (on government owned property) if the reason for denying your entry was CHL. They could make up another reason to ask you to leave.

I don't care what the event organizers or their insurance companies' intent is...The intent of our elected legislators was that CHL not (generally) be banned on government (the "people's") property.

The best way to keep it safe at these events is for your loaded CHL carry gun to stay concealed about your person. If you intend on pulling a gun out or showing it around or generally messing with it, then get it zip tied and carry it encased under the "sporting activity" non-applicability in 46.15. If you want to try out holsters, then don't do it with your carry gun.

While I consider the concern of CHL's pulling out loaded carry guns and waving them about at gun shows to be overblown, I believe it would be prosecutable under 46.035 for intentional failure to conceal.

My argument is that the zip tied guns that you're showing, or trading, or trying holsters for, are not being carried under CHL and presumably are non-applicable to UCW under 46.15, because they are suitable (i.e. zip tied & empty) for the "sporting activity" of a gun show. The loaded concealed gun you're carrying is using the authority of your CHL, and so you better not display it.

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