I find that the US military has a general "anti-gun" bent. Witness their prohibition on carrying on bases...all Alaska stationed military prohibited by regulation from carrying, etc. So USAA management, overwhelmingly made up of former military personnel, has the typical "big brother", We know what's better for you than you do... attitude so prevalent in the military.Katygunnut wrote:The irony here is amazing.Kirk wrote:CHL is not the only thing they oppose
USAA and Other Opponents to Parking Lot bill https://www.tsra.com/index.php?option=c ... Itemid=113" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
"Again Senator Hegar’s senate version passed in the Texas Senate and moved on to House Public Safety with the same language as before including that added for USAA. USAA’s lobbyist testified against the bill, saying they had sold the land for the “alternative parking lot" and it would be a financial hardship to ask them to buy more."
USAA's Board is comprised of military veterans. Their customer base is comprised of active duty military and veterans. All of these folks (those running the company and their customers) swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. And yet the company has an apparent business objective of subverting the Constitution.
Do we know whether they oppose the entire Constitution, or are they just against certain parts?
I say this as a member (since 1987) and a former officer. My experience is that the US military has a larger percentage of big government liberals than the US population at large.