So which anti-gunner should we vote for? Obama or McCain? Their both anti-gun.ZARASTER wrote:In my view, there simply is no untouchable constitutional right guaranteed by the Second Amendment to keep loaded handguns in the house..." --
Justice Breyer, Dissenting opinion rendered in DC gun case, June 2008
In a 5-4 decision, Justices Breyer, Stevens, Souter and Ginsburg believe the above statement and stated such in their dissenting opinion in the DC gun case. It is not an individual right and you have no right to self-defense within your home if the government says so. Five Justices say otherwise.
The next president will nominate one, possibly two supreme court Justices. One liberal confirmation will swing the balance making the Second Amendment the right of the government, not your right.
If a candidate was anti-gun in the past, they are anti-gun now and will be in the future, regardless of their campaign rhetoric. A liberal president will nominate anti-gun liberal justices like Breyer and Stevens to the court. That's a fact. Make your vote count this fall. ... en05.shtml
Gun-control advocates have a powerful new voice in the Senate who is seeking to close a loophole that allows weapons to be sold at gun shows without background checks.
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who cited cases in which suspected terrorists were caught with weapons bought at U.S. gun shows, says he will try to "force Senate consideration" early next year of the measure. Former President Clinton tried but failed to curb such sales. Hats off to the senator if he succeeds.
"Foreign terrorists have exploited a loophole to buy weapons at gun shows," McCain said. "Clearly, alleged members of terrorist organizations have been able to secure guns and weapons using the gun-show loophole."
The senator had introduced a similar bill in May, but he said he was submitting a new version now because the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks lent "some urgency to tightening the law."