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by SkipB
Sun Apr 19, 2015 12:05 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Veterans Blocked From Owning Firearms
Replies: 34
Views: 7691

Re: Veterans Blocked From Owning Firearms

There are two things that come to mind, #1-The VA doesn't just go around paying someone to handle your money. The person they choose is normally a spouse or another family member, mother, father ect. On the occasions they do this it involves mental stress and not being able to handle day to day issues. From the perspective of the VA it is normally related to PTSD. PTSD is a very real thing. I have had several fiends from the Vietnam war that came home with that and it gets worse as time goes by. One in per tickler would hide in a closet with his guns threatening to kill himself or anyone how tried to open the door. When his wife called I had to drop everything and head to east Texas. I did that many times. #2- The problem with PTSD today is it is to easy to claim. Many vets getting out will claim PTSD to draw a little check. I personally think we should take care of our veterans. I personally think anyone with mental issues should not be walking around with a gun in their pocket. Vet or not. I am retired Army Infantry and served two tours in the Vietnam war. The VA is not the only one who is ask to report people who may be mentally unstable. Some private doctors ask questions like, Do you sleep well at night, Do you have guns in your home, Do you feel safe in your home, ect. Its not just the VA.

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