I had 2 encounters with LEO this past weekend, my first since CHL. Both were pleasant.
The first was Friday night just after 6:00 p.m. DPS pulled me over about 20 miles south of Post on US 84. The stop was for only having one headlight - which I was not aware of.
He was a young officer. I had DL and CHL out, hands atop wheel and interior lights on. I handed him licenses, but was silent on carrying.
He looked at CHL and handed it back. Did not ask if I was carrying. I was, with 3 1911's, a shotgun, and my deer rifle in the truck as I was headed to Lubbock and north for hunting, a visit with friends and business.
The officer went to the front of the truck and checked if it was just the low beam out or both. He wrote me a warning and explained that I could show it if stopped again. Then he wished me a safe trip and good hunting. I wished him a safe night, thanked him, and we went on our way.
I was lucky in the stop, or he treated me well. When I came on him he had another car pulled over in the opposite shoulder. I was about 10 miles over the limit after dark and slowing as I noticed him. Traffic was moving very fast that evening. He never mentioned my speed.
Second encounter was with a game warden in a grain field west of Kress, Swisher county, on Saturday afternoon. He came on our hunting party to check licenses. Again, a young officer.
I handed him my hunting license, DL and CHL. Did not declare, though obviously carrying a shotgun (unloaded, open action).
He asked if I was carrying "it". I said I was as I was carrying concealed IWB.
He jokingly asked if I was "..not going to shoot him..". I assured him not in the same tone. He found all in order and went on down the line of hunters checking their credentials.
As I said, both encounters were pleasant, and the officers were friendly and professional. Neither asked where the weapons were.
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- by TWL1972
- Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:24 am
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: Trends on Encounters when pulled over. - Poll
- Replies: 36
- Views: 8625
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