I need a quick break from work, and this thread caught my attention, so I’ll contribute my $0.02.
1. Campus carry is my personal cause célèbre; however, I think a new approach is called for in the 2011 session.
2. The parking lot bill (allowing employees to keep guns in their cars without fear of reprisal from their employers) is definitely second on my list. This one should have passed a long time ago.
3. It’s not a gun law, but I’d like to see the Texas Legislature pass statewide preemption of municipal knife laws, nullifying San Antonio’s locking blade knife ban and other similarly stupid municipal regulations on knives.
4. I'd like to see polling places removed from the list of places where concealed carry is prohibited, at least during early voting. Is this seriously considered a problem? I'm tired of having to leave my gun in my car when I go to the grocery store during election season.
5. I agree with previous posters that the semiautomatic/revolver classification on CHLs is utterly pointless, and it would be nice if removing this distinction could be tacked on as an amendment to another gun bill.
Open carry would be nice, but because introducing it in a state that hasn’t had it in almost a century and a half could lead to unintended consequences (public/media backlash, increased 30.06 posting, opponents using the rewriting of Texas gun laws as a backdoor for gun control amendments, etc.), and because concealed carry largely satisfies the need to carry handguns for self defense, I’m not in favor of making open carry a priority.
It would also be nice if it were a little easier to obtain a CHL; however, I fear that loosening the training/testing requirements might hurt bills aimed at expanding the number of places where concealed carry is allowed, so I'm also not in favor of making the loosening of training/testing requirements a priority.
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- by Douva
- Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:05 pm
- Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
- Topic: Wait 'til next year. 2011 Texas Legislative Session
- Replies: 45
- Views: 28192
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