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by Douva
Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:25 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill
Replies: 56
Views: 7467

Re: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill

gmckinl wrote:I too have seen several plain-clothes LEOs openly carrying. A month or so ago, one was at the next table to me munching on his lunch while I was concealed and chowing down on mine.
If I'm not mistaken, a Texas law enforcement officer must have a badge showing in order to open carry. A lot of them wear their badges on their belts or holsters (I've even heard of sheriffs having their badges inset into a pistol grip). Though I suppose these people could be described as "plain clothes," their badges clearly identifies them as law enforcement officers. When I have more time, I'll try to track down the law in question and cite it here.


After doing some digging, it appears that this may simply be the policy of most Texas law enforcement agencies, rather than a state law. I've always heard it cited (including in at least one CHL class) as state law, and apparently there are a few Texas law enforcement officers who think it's the law, but judging from the fact that I couldn't find anything about it in either the Texas Penal Code or the Texas Code of Criminal procedure, as well as the information in THIS TexasCHLforum thread, the best conclusion I can reach is that it's probably just a commonly accepted agency policy. Apparently, some agencies require firearms to be concealed when an officer is out of uniform, and some agencies require that a badge be worn near the gun when an officer carries openly while out of uniform, and a few agencies allow officers to carry openly even when they're not wearing a uniform or a badge.

So, depending on where you live, people might just assume you're a law enforcement officer if they see you carrying openly; however, I still think this is a bad strategy. It reminds me of a message board post I once saw where a guy asked if other CHL holders thought it would be a god idea to carry handcuffs on his belt, next to his gun, so that if his shirt ever rode up, allowing people to see his gun, they'd just assume he was a law enforcement officer. The consensus was that you really don't want people thinking you're a law enforcement officer if you're not.
by Douva
Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:20 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill
Replies: 56
Views: 7467

Re: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill

SA-TX wrote:As for the historical differences that you pointed to earlier in the thread, I must say that I doubt that the experiences in Pennsylvania or Virginia are much different than Texas. It is true that it has always been legal to open carry there, but as you point out, it is not at all common. Most urban residents in those states have rarely or never seen anyone open carrying. Most rural residents probably haven't seen it much either, but they are comfortable with the concept of guns and are more used to seeing long guns due to hunting. Both of these seem to hold true for Texans.
The big difference is that Pennsylvania and Virginia have, to the best of my knowledge, never had a lengthy, heated, well-publicized legislative battle over the merits and pitfalls of open carry. Pennsylvania and Virginia haven't had the issue brought to the public's attention by every local and state news agency (and most likely, a few national news agencies) simultaneously.
The experiences in open carry states also show that even when someone DOES open carry, few notice. From lethermen, to cell phones, to fanny packs, to belt buckles, so many items are now adorning our waist area that a gun just doesn't stick out. This combined with people being on their cell phone or otherwise not too aware about things in their immediate environment mean not many MWAG calls. Further, those that DO see the gun are likely to think you are an LEO. In summary, open carry just doesn't cause many problems and the news coverage of the soccer mom incident in PA demonstrates that by its news-worthiness. According to Ms. Hain, she carries her G26 openly EVERYWHERE and has for some time but only now has there been an incident.
"Few" is a relative term. Whatever the number of people who notice open carry, it will be exponentially higher than the number of people who notice concealed carry. Run a Google search for stories of police being called in response to legal open carry; then run a Google search for stories of people being called in response to legal concealed carry. Considering how many more individuals carry concealed, open carry's track record for not upsetting the general public is relatively poor, compared to that of concealed carry.

And personally, I don't think that relying on the "people will just think you're a cop" mentality is a smart strategy, especially since plain-clothes police officers are not allowed to open carry in the state of Texas (it's not something people are used to seeing).
For example, regarding 30.06 signs and open carry, could a section 30.07 be added (so as to not open up 30.06 to amendment) that says a business owner wishing to keep out those carrying handguns concealed or openly may adopt the following sign which encorporates the elements of 30.06 but with language added. Thus, no changes to 30.06 nor any references to 30.06 need to be changed.
Charles has already explained why the Texas Legislature is unlikely to pass a provision for dual signage.
by Douva
Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:17 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill
Replies: 56
Views: 7467

Re: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill

CHLSteve wrote:Yes, you should have known better. Leave us simpletons to our misery.

You know, I did say "if". You can simply say, "No, that's not what I meant" instead of adopting a condescending attitude and writing anyone off who doesn't interpret your post how you intended it. That's part of posting on a forum where we can't have a face to face conversation.

(PS--can I use a rolleyes here?)
I apologize for taking such a condescending tone in my response. You are correct that it is very easy to misinterpret things on an Internet message board.
by Douva
Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:11 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill
Replies: 56
Views: 7467

Re: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill

CHLSteve wrote:
Douva wrote: History's most horrific mistakes and egregious injustices have been perpetuated by those who sought and those who offered simple solutions to complex problems. The questions surrounding right-to-carry are complex. To propose less-than-complex answers to those questions is dangerous.
OK, not that's just off the wall. You are taking his "simple" comment out of context because the poster was only conveying that Chas had a way of making a complex problem easier to understand, NOT that Chas had a simple solution.

Secondly, if you are really saying that the failure to pass OC will somehow result in one of history's "most horrific mistakes and egregious injustices" then that's just hogwash. OC is a Bad Idea(tm) and Chas has outlined some very real reasons on why. Unfortunately, the OC crowd fails to see the forest for the trees. If they get their way, I think it will end up spoiling it for the rest of us. The only bright side in all this is that no one seems to be taking them seriously this session.
I did not take his comment out of context. He was not responding to Chas; he was responding to AEA, who said:
Let's just make it easier for us and for the Public (business owners).

CHL Holders authorized to carry openly or concealed anywhere a LEO is.
Pretty simple....... :coolgleamA:
Your interpretation of my comment is what is "off the wall." I suggested a historical argument for not succumbing to the temptation to look for simple solutions to this complex problem, and you interpreted that as a suggestion that "the failure to pass OC will somehow result in one of history's 'most horrific mistakes and egregious injustices.'"

Perhaps I should have known better than to make a philosophical argument on an Internet message board, but I'm typically not inclined to dumb down my statements, even when I know they may be a bit over the heads of some in my target audience.
by Douva
Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:35 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill
Replies: 56
Views: 7467

Re: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill

XtremeDuty.45 said it so perfect and made it so simple. I agree with that logic totally. Just wish everyone else did too.
History's most horrific mistakes and egregious injustices have been perpetuated by those who sought and those who offered simple solutions to complex problems. The questions surrounding right-to-carry are complex. To propose less-than-complex answers to those questions is dangerous.
by Douva
Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:24 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill
Replies: 56
Views: 7467

Re: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Bart wrote:What kind of sign does a business have to post today to ban people who can OC legally today? Like if a restaurant doesn't want security guards from another business to wear guns if they eat there during lunch break.
Anything that gets the "no guns" message across.

As I understand it, a security guard can only open carry if he or she is in uniform AND "engaged in the performance of the person's duties as a security officer or traveling to and from the person's place of assignment." Being a security guard doesn't give you carte blanche to open carry.
by Douva
Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:40 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill
Replies: 56
Views: 7467

Re: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill

Charles L. Cotton wrote:Your suggestion would provide a method for property owners to select between two types of signs to either 1) bar only open-carry; or 2) bar open and concealed carry with a single sign. But the problem isn’t with drafting something that would work, but in getting it passed without doing damage to safeguards we already have and without winding up with only a 30.06 sign.

From a purely technical approach, incorporating a criminal trespass provision into Chp. 46 dealing with weapons is something the Legislature isn't going to do. The proposal also puts "conditional" off-limits areas into a part of the Code that lists only locations that are always off-limits. (The DAs would oppose this mixing of apples and oranges and in this argument, their opinions would carry a lot of weight.) That said, TPC §30.05 could be amended to do precisely what your proposal accomplishes.

Unfortunately, the Legislature would most likely take the easy way out and simply amend TPC §30.06 to be a "one size fits all" notice requirement for anyone with a gun. It will be argued that the proposal is confusing to property owners and they should have a single, simple and easy way to post one sign and keep all people off of their property if they have guns. To most legislators and the majority of the non-CHL, non-OC folks, this argument will make a lot of sense.

There is also a very real danger that we could lose the protections of TPC §30.06, if we try to adopt a statue that allows the use of any sign that doesn’t meet the size and language requirements of TPC §30.06. We have to remember that we were able to pass HB2909 in 1997 establishing TPC §30.06 (and it's onerous signage requirement :lol: ) based upon the argument that it was unfair to prosecute a CHL for trespass when it is so easy to miss the little "ghostbuster" decals found on several businesses. They were especially difficult to see when placed in the lower corners of glass doors, as was often the case. If we were to now promote a scheme by which an open-carrier could be prosecuted for crossing something less than a large 30.06 sign, then it would be both unfair to the open-carrier and it would be evidence that the large signs required by TPC §30.06 must not really be necessary. There would be no good response to that argument. None of us want to return to the pre-1997 days when excluding CHLs was absurdly easy.

The small sign problem could be addressed by requiring a sign that met TPC §30.06 dimensions but different language for open-carriers, but then we’re back to two-sign requirement for property owners waning to exclude all armed citizens. Unfortunately, the most likely result of open-carry, as it deals with criminal trespass, would be an amendment to TPC 30.06 such that it applies to both open and concealed carry.

I see your point.
by Douva
Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:07 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill
Replies: 56
Views: 7467

Re: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill

Charles L. Cotton wrote:If an open-carry bills gets introduced and passed, you can be certain of two things: 1) the Legislature isn't going to leave property owners without a way to keep armed citizens off their property; and 2) the Legislature isn't going to create a dual standard for "no trespass" signs, thus forcing property owners to post two signs instead of one, if they want to bar all armed citizens. So this means either TPC §30.06 will be amended to apply to open and concealed carry, or TPC §30.06 will be repealed and we return to the pre-1997 "ghost buster" signs and decals. I don't really think §30.06 would be repealed; I think it would be amended to apply to open and concealed carry.

I'm not a lawyer, but couldn't the problem be fixed by the addition of language such as this to TX PC §46.03?

§46.03(a)(7) on any property owned by another who has not granted effective consent for the actor to enter carrying the firearm; if
    • (A) the actor received notice that:
      • (1) entry on the property by a person with a handgun was forbidden; or

        (2) remaining on the property with a handgun was forbidden and failed to depart.

§46.03(c)(3) "Entry" has the meaning assigned by Section 30.05(b).

§46.03(c)(4) "Notice" means:
    • (A) oral or written communication by the owner or someone with apparent authority to act for the owner;

      (B) a sign or signs posted on the property or at the entrance to the building, reasonably likely to come to the attention of intruders, indicating that entry with a handgun is forbidden;

      (C) notice under Section 30.06.

§46.03(j) It is an exception to the application of Subsection (a)(7) that the actor possessed a handgun and was licensed to carry a concealed handgun under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code; and
  • (1) the actor did not intentionally fail to conceal the handgun; and

    (2) the actor was not given effective notice under Section 30.06.

§46.03(k) A person who is subject to prosecution under both this section and Section 30.06 may only be prosecuted under Section 30.06.

§46.03(l) It is not a defense to prosecution under Subsection (a)(7) that an actor who received notice under Section 30.06:
  • (1) was not licensed to carry a concealed handgun under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code; or

    (2) carried a handgun but made no attempt to conceal it.
by Douva
Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:56 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill
Replies: 56
Views: 7467

Re: Still No Open-Carry Bill

CleverNickname wrote:
Douva wrote:I would definitely like to see the open carry bill worded so that businesses and property owners would be able to prohibit open carry on their property by posting a simple "gunbuster" sign. I'd hate to see a public backlash against open carry lead to an increase in 30.06 posting.
What? Unless 30.06 was rewritten, it wouldn't apply to open carriers. But a sign wouldn't be necessary. It's open carry. If whoever is in charge of the property sees someone carrying a gun, then they can tell the carrier to leave, just like if they didn't want someone on their property who wasn't wearing a shirt/shoes, etc.
If the visible nature of open carry negates the need for a sign to prohibit it, why do we still see "no shirt, no shoes, no service" signs? Most business owners don't want to see people walking into their establishments shirtless and/or shoeless. And judging from popular public perception, it's safe to assume that many business owners wouldn't want to see people walking into their establishments openly carrying handguns.

You're correct that the current 30.06 sign wouldn't apply to open carry; however, anyone who thinks the Texas Legislature will pass an open carry bill--whether licensed or unlicensed--that doesn't provide a means for property owners to prohibit open carry on their property clearly doesn't know much about Texas politics. I'd prefer that business owners have an option (preferably an easier option) for prohibiting open carry that doesn't also prohibit concealed carry.

Concealed carry is allowed in most establishments throughout Texas, even in "liberal" cities like Austin, because it is out of sight and out of mind. CHL holders don't disturb anybody, so most business owners don't see the merit of posting large, ugly 30.06 signs. But if business owners start getting nervous about individuals walking into their establishments openly carrying firearms, or if customers start complaining about individuals seen openly carrying firearms, those business owners are likely to take steps to prohibit open carry on their property.

We've all seen the news stories from other states, in which an uninformed citizen sees an individual or group of individuals legally carrying openly and calls the police to report a "man with a gun" or an "armed gang," leading to a very visible police response. How many of those types of news stories--especially in the aftermath of a heated public debate over open carry--do you think it would take to cause a backlash from Texas business owners? Open carry proponents need to be careful not to lose the forest for the trees. Based on the number of signatures acquired by, and based on the posts and poll responses I've seen on this forum, I think it's fair to surmise that most CHL holders aren't interested in seeing open carry legalized at the cost of rendering their concealed handgun licenses virtually useless.
by Douva
Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:37 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill
Replies: 56
Views: 7467

Re: Still No Open-Carry Bill

srothstein wrote:I think the main problem is the goal of is unlicensed carry and they don't know how to draftbills, as Chalres has pointed out.
They're also not terribly well-read on the current laws. One of their organizers had to eat a little crow after swearing up and down that it's illegal to carry concealed in state buildings. I've seen several examples of that type of misinformation on the forum. It seems to me that the individuals leading the fight to change the law should know the current law forward and backward.
by Douva
Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:29 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Open-Carry: Pro/Con - Split from "Still No Open Carry Bill
Replies: 56
Views: 7467

Re: Still No Open-Carry Bill

I would definitely like to see the open carry bill worded so that businesses and property owners would be able to prohibit open carry on their property by posting a simple "gunbuster" sign. I'd hate to see a public backlash against open carry lead to an increase in 30.06 posting.

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