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by Grayling813
Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:05 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ruth Bader Ginsberg - dies 9.18.2020
Replies: 58
Views: 11166

Re: Ruth Bader Ginsberg - dies 9.18.2020

Ted Cruz Offers a Solid Reason for Filling Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Vacancy Now ... n-n2576501

History Is on the Side of Republicans Filling a Supreme Court Vacancy in 2020 ... =true&s=09
by Grayling813
Sat Sep 19, 2020 6:57 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ruth Bader Ginsberg - dies 9.18.2020
Replies: 58
Views: 11166

Re: Ruth Bader Ginsberg - dies 9.18.2020

03Lightningrocks wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 11:13 pm
RoyGBiv wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 10:45 pm
Flightmare wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:30 pm
srothstein wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:24 pm I have a problem with the hypocrisy that would be shown if they do make a nomination now. The Republicans held up a nomination for quite a long time because an election was close and they wanted to let the new president have a say (well, that was their stated reason). If they do a nomination this close, they would be showing that they were lying about it (which we all knew anyway).

The biggest tactical question is if the nomination is made now (or in October) how many votes would it cost Trump (and by extension all Republicans) in the election. I might be okay with losing the presidency for a SCOTUS appointment (though any appointment is really a guess how they will vote once on the court), but what if it gives the Democrats the presidency, control of the Senate, and control of the House?

I think the best bet is to wait until after the election. If they lose everything anyway, they can still get it done in November or December. If the win, they can take their time and make certain the right person is chosen.
That is the discussion i was having on the phone earlier with a family member, and the exact argument I made.
Elections have consequences.

I'm simultaneously able to offer sincere condolences for a jurist who was the antithesis of what the Founders had intended, and not a frigid RINO, able to sieze the opptunity if it indeed is presenting itself.

Does anyone think that the dems would hesitate for a microsecond? /Rhetorical
We are way past thinking the high road is a winning route. So far taking the high road has gotten us transexuals dressed in drag reading to our children in the third grade. Boys who say they are girls in the female locker rooms. Boys who say they are girls playing on the female sports teams. Abortion on demand paid for by tax payers. God being taken out of schools while Islamic fascism is being installed. Statues of heroes from the past being removed. The national anthem being scoffed at in sporting events. Police officers being shot down in the street while pro football players put the names of criminals on their helmets. Cities being burned and looted by domestic terrorists. I could go on and on but when do we finally quit kidding ourselves with this "taking the high road" garbage?

Push through another nominee! ASAP... before the leftist scum manages to get another communist on the supreme court who thinks the Constitution is a piece of toilet paper to wipe your rear end on.

This situation is definitely a gift from God. He is trying to tell us all something. He could have taken that woman anytime. He wants us to take the opportunity to make it just a little bit harder for the godless leftist scum to completely destroy the American dream.
:iagree: The marxists will laugh in your face when you take the high road. Reverse the current roles, Dim Pres, Dim Senate and Rino think the Dims wouldn’t be pushing a nominee through before the election?

We’ve taken the high road with the marxists to the brink of their destruction of the country.

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