Elites are Democrats, Republicans and Independents. They have all sold this country down the tubes.We’re really seeing the true colors of our elite, and those colors are all shades of Mao Red. Our globalist elites clinked glasses in Davos with Xi – the Chinese dictator, not the non-binary pronoun – and when push came to shove, we normal Americans got shoved out of the way as our alleged betters rushed to kiss commie rear. These are the same Einsteins who allowed our entire pharmaceutical industry and much of our other critical manufacturing capabilities to get shipped over to Wuhan and its environs on their watch. This is on them, and the truth can’t be hidden anymore.
Not only have they created a manufacturing problem that is affecting everyone, they have also created dangerous exposures and made shortages of critical medical supplies and medicines needed by the most important people in the world right now - our doctors, nurses and everyone else who is part of our healthcare system.