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by Grayling813
Fri Jan 24, 2020 6:12 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Virginia, Making America Great
Replies: 20
Views: 8447

Re: Virginia, Making America Great

Ruark wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2020 4:04 pm So, what was the outcome of the whole Virginia demonstration? Will they still try to pass the legislation? Anything?
They'll pass everything, the socialists control legislature and governors office. It will take VA courts or SCOTUS to overturn them...or an unprecedented groundswell of disgruntled VA voters who cast all of them out of office and elect people who will change them.

There's now a proposed new law prohibiting citizens from speaking ill of their elected betters. Talk about extreme arrogance.
by Grayling813
Tue Jan 07, 2020 4:37 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Virginia, Making America Great
Replies: 20
Views: 8447

Re: Virginia, Making America Great

crazy2medic wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2020 1:37 pm
Flightmare wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2020 10:53 am WaPo fabrication ... story.html
They believe the fantasy that they are good guys with guns who will stop bad guys with guns, despite a recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research that shows places that allow concealed carry weapons see eventual increases in gun violence.
Article was posted yesterday 1/6/2020. Did the author not hear about White Settlement?
Don't wreck their delusional belief that if all guns are removed we could all live in a utopian society where the Eloi feed the morlocks!
The National Bureau of Economic Research is just a collection of academics who believe that they are smarter than everyone else.
They’re probably all progressive socialists.
by Grayling813
Wed Dec 25, 2019 10:42 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Virginia, Making America Great
Replies: 20
Views: 8447

Virginia, Making America Great

Virginia, Making America Great
T.L. Davis newsletter 019

I am a Christian, so when I say “I pray to God” I mean, I pray to God that Virginia 2020 understands that it is Massachusetts 1775. That for a long time Americans have allowed themselves to be conned, buffaloed and hoodwinked by politicians. Everyone knows that we are not living as Americans, right? It is not American to know that the government is listening in on all cell phone conversations, all e-mails, all conversations that can be procured by cell phone traps and the like. Surely, none of the true Americans own an Alexa for heaven’s sake! How do you think they will be able to enforce Red Flag laws, if they do not have some private and intimate argument between lovers to hang their hat on when it comes to justifying removing all of the guns from a domicile?
But, this is about rights. Rights are not given to an individual for good behavior, they exist, regardless of behavior, as an inanimate thing, like bad breath or toe fungus, they are ours, no matter what, whether we want them, or not. No matter the government, no matter the economic system, no matter the preference, rights are something that exist and are possessed by human beings. Chairs, by way of comparison, do not have rights. Are you a chair? No, you are a human being and you possess certain, unalienable rights, among those are life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. Property is actually a big deal in that a right to property dispels the supremacy of the IRS.
Let’s get back to the issue at hand, the almost identical political situation concerning Virginia 2020 and Massachusetts 1775.
We have, in Virginia 2020, the exact position of Boston in 1775. I have been saying Massachusetts, but understand, it was Boston alone that revealed the true tyrannical nature of the English crown. All others thought that if Boston would just calm down and shut up, they would all get along. What the other colonies did not see in 1775, that most states do not see in 2020, is that Boston then and Virginia now are just canaries in the coalmine. They are the warning signs to what the rest of the nation can expect and, in that way, Virginia is the rest of America. Virginia today, speaks for us all, but also, their resolution to stand firm dictates to us our obligations going forward. If Virginia stands firm on these Red Flag laws and sanctuary counties and backs down the state, every county in every other state must double- down on that idea, push it even harder.
There is only one way to play this situation: gun owners and Second Amendment supporters must win the day. They must take this opportunity, when emotions are high, to not just deny Red Flag laws, but eradicate all gun laws that led to it. Go all the way back to the National Firearms Act of 1934. It is only the fear of the citizen, not fear from the citizen, that has led to these laws. Given a few more years past 1934 and citizens would have armed-up and for a while, it would have been the Wild West, but soon after that, the gangsters of the 1930s would have found themselves outgunned by grandmothers and would have decided to behave themselves. Then, it would have been clear that the people themselves must solve things like violent gangs in their cities, child-molesters on their street corners and kept the typical cop a Barney Fife sort that helps the elderly cross the street and leave the sorting out of society to the people themselves.
I dare anyone to explain to me the benefits of a society that relegates all responsibilities to the government. Does it help solve problems? No. Does it help the fiscal environment? No. Does it enhance the stature of the citizen? No. Does it instill a sense of responsibility for the community? No. Then, why have we allowed it? Because, it’s easy and easy is always bad.
Virginia must recognize that it can be so much more than a state with an attitude; it can be the new birthplace of liberty. It can live up to its heritage ushered in by Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Patrick Henry and NOT succumb to the legacy of Woodrow Wilson.
Or, it can fold like every other important political movement in modern day America and leave all of us die- hard supporters of liberty and individual rights, willing to give their lives for their cause, drifting in the winds; wondering when, oh when will anyone stand up for what truly made America Great.

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