Rotor, please be careful I had a "friend" that I worked with over 10 years that I finally let hunt. He had his own spot free of charge years later it turned out bad even with a new "liability release" signed every year he sued us for over $300,000 dollars. Sincs he "hurt" his back while hunting, if you decide to let someone hunt be sure to get a "attorney" to go over everything and draw up the release.[ luckily liability ins.coverd the cost ]rotor wrote: ↑Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:39 pm This in the world of crimes is a small potato crime not worth spending money or time on. I really sympathize with the author too as a blind is hard enough to make and maintain. Fingerprints though are not the way, new DNA testing is. Note I said new. My DNA is not in a database but my stupid brother did one of those DNA tests so essentially my DNA is in a database. Unless one is looking for a big time crime though don't expect any law enforcement agency to spend the money or time on this case. Now setting up remote control deer on a road and putting game wardens out all night to catch bubba is a different matter.
Now deer leases, I let a friend hunt my property for deer and hogs, he moved and left a nice blind but a storm blew it over. Anyone in Wichita Falls area that wants a deer lease, I don't charge anything and will take one person, but you must maintain the blind, bring the feeder corn and not shoot quail. You let me know before hand when you will go out so I don't shoot you by mistake. I have 89 acres. I don't charge anything. I don't make any money off of this. The State of Texas officially owns the game. I am not a deer hunter but will go for the hogs. PM if you are interested. Someone who respects the land only.
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- Thu Sep 26, 2019 5:45 pm
- Forum: Hunting Photos
- Topic: Chucky and the deer blind.
- Replies: 26
- Views: 21750
Re: Chucky and the deer blind.
- Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:10 pm
- Forum: Hunting Photos
- Topic: Chucky and the deer blind.
- Replies: 26
- Views: 21750
Re: Chucky and the deer blind.
I'll end this post by saying---> Hope Everyone Has a Safe and Great Hunting Season!!!
- Wed Sep 25, 2019 1:18 pm
- Forum: Hunting Photos
- Topic: Chucky and the deer blind.
- Replies: 26
- Views: 21750
Re: Chucky and the deer blind.
That's bad to because after 14 years you have invested so much money into it the next guy gets a Great Lease! Question: ---> was "doofus" related to "Chucky" in any way03Lightningrocks wrote: ↑Wed Sep 25, 2019 12:44 pmTwo years after I got off the lease I spoke of above, the guys that stayed on it got into a shooting confrontation. One of our guys was sitting in a tree when a doofus from the other side fired right in his direction. The round hit a tree near him. He got real angry and put a few rounds back across the fence. Wardens and cops were called, arguments ensued. Nobody was cited or arrested due to all the different versions. That was the last season on that lease. The owner got concerned and leased it to someone else. We had that place around 14 years.narcissist wrote: ↑Wed Sep 25, 2019 11:53 amDon't tell people that, everyone's going to start shooting up deer blinds. Since there's no reproccustions, except maybe a small fine.03Lightningrocks wrote: ↑Wed Sep 25, 2019 11:28 am According to this, it is a class C misdemeanor to fire a weapon across property lines without written permission. ... on_62.0121
(b)A person commits an offense if:
(1)the person, while hunting or engaging in recreational shooting, knowingly discharges a firearm; and
(2)the projectile from the firearm travels across a property line.
Plus how do you put a value on something you made by hand, would it be "Hourly wage + cost of materials" including the Welder Hired to do the job on the stand. So if you add it up actruly brand new it was close to $2500.00 or I could make it at least add up to that ammount.
- Wed Sep 25, 2019 1:13 pm
- Forum: Hunting Photos
- Topic: Chucky and the deer blind.
- Replies: 26
- Views: 21750
Re: Chucky and the deer blind.
You're right, after the reaction I got should of proceeded further.flechero wrote: ↑Wed Sep 25, 2019 12:43 pmWhat if you had been inside when shot up? You let the warden off way too easy. I would have also called the with sheriff's dept, several things not game related there, worthy bof an actual investigation.narcissist wrote: ↑Tue Sep 24, 2019 8:54 pm At this point I was pretty angry with the Warden, who wouldn't be? Continued on about the felony that took place and the evidence In Hand. He then stated in a chuckle "Its Just A Deer Blind".
- Wed Sep 25, 2019 12:57 pm
- Forum: Hunting Photos
- Topic: Chucky and the deer blind.
- Replies: 26
- Views: 21750
Re: Chucky and the deer blind.
Very true, hate to think "what if" makes you a little Paranoid up in any of the deer stands, It's supose to be a peaceful/relaxing experience. Expecially now I learned it's only a Class C misdemeanor if you even get caught at it. Takes a crazy person to even attempt such a act. Wonder if the guy checked it first or just opened fire, guess I'll never know.rotor wrote: ↑Wed Sep 25, 2019 11:52 am Maybe your game warden hasn't watched Animal Planet's Lone Star Law. Those people seem pretty tough.
I agree with you that this game warden could have done more like a face to face interview with the other landowner. What if someone had been in the blind when it had been shot at? If you had shot the wrong species of duck I guarantee you a game warden would have been watching and ticketed you the big bucks.
- Wed Sep 25, 2019 11:53 am
- Forum: Hunting Photos
- Topic: Chucky and the deer blind.
- Replies: 26
- Views: 21750
Re: Chucky and the deer blind.
Don't tell people that, everyone's going to start shooting up deer blinds. Since there's no reproccustions, except maybe a small fine.03Lightningrocks wrote: ↑Wed Sep 25, 2019 11:28 am According to this, it is a class C misdemeanor to fire a weapon across property lines without written permission. ... on_62.0121
(b)A person commits an offense if:
(1)the person, while hunting or engaging in recreational shooting, knowingly discharges a firearm; and
(2)the projectile from the firearm travels across a property line.
Plus how do you put a value on something you made by hand, would it be "Hourly wage + cost of materials" including the Welder Hired to do the job on the stand. So if you add it up actruly brand new it was close to $2500.00 or I could make it at least add up to that ammount.
- Wed Sep 25, 2019 11:36 am
- Forum: Hunting Photos
- Topic: Chucky and the deer blind.
- Replies: 26
- Views: 21750
Re: Chucky and the deer blind.
One good thing is there's a lady down the road a ways that had actruly caught him with a friend, hunting dog's and weapons. Said she had heard the dog's barking and went out to investigate, saw only the dog's with hunting vests on so she knew there was hunters. Hollered at them (since they were in the brush hiding) she stated "come out or I'm shooting your dogs", they came out. She held them at gun point until the law got there. Don't know the outcome but at least some justice was served.
Another reason to believe it was him I guess.
Another reason to believe it was him I guess.
- Wed Sep 25, 2019 11:19 am
- Forum: Hunting Photos
- Topic: Chucky and the deer blind.
- Replies: 26
- Views: 21750
Re: Chucky and the deer blind.
I expected him to do his job? Pretty sure the bullet casings had prints on them, I doubt they wiped them down like a real criminal would. The deer blind is elevated so whoever shot it up shot in the air, thought that was a felony? I know celebratory gun fire is a felony, whoever did it had fun I'm guessing.flintknapper wrote: ↑Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:21 amNot sure what more you expected the Warden to do? He contacted the current owner. Unless you have reason to believe the current land owner was responsible or have proof of that, what did you expect to happen? Do you know if the current land owner leases out the property or allows others access to it for hunting or other purposes? The Warden well would be nearly impossible to pin it down.narcissist wrote: ↑Tue Sep 24, 2019 8:54 pm About six years ago I had a decent deer blind that had been on the fence line at that time for about ten years. Had a agreement with the owner next door if you see something good on my side shoot it and vice-versa.
Well one morning before entering the blind I saw the windows busted out first after further investigation found Bullet Holes, yes about 75 bullet holes all throughout the blind entering only from the neighbors side. Bullet casings from a 22lr were all on the neighbors property, bassically in a a couple piles. So many you could see the shine of the brass in the daylight, usually a beautiful sight to see not this time.
I then contacted who was the neighbor a real older nice man, he had informed me that he sold the property a few years back and was nice enough to give me the contact info of the new owner.
Immediately contacted the local Game Warden, had his cell phone number. He informed me he had retired and to contact the newbie. So I did of course, rode with the Warden out to the blind "trying" to get on his good side, since he's the new Warden.
Anyway once we got there and he took photos collected the evidence ect. I was talking to him about how the suspect had been committing about two crimes. One destroying private property and two shooting in the air with a firearm, that's a felony.
Warden called the land owner and informed him of the situation at hand. The neighbor stated he did not even own a firearm, but yet every year they dump the caucuses right on the fence line futher down. So at this point in time the guy didnt want to speak any further and hung up.(a little suspicious)?
I spoke to the Warden a little longer about the situation and the Warden then stated "Not much can be done at this time but I will follow up with you at a latter date". Took my info, number ect.
At this point I was pretty angry with the Warden, who wouldn't be? Continued on about the felony that took place and the evidence In Hand. He then stated in a chuckle "Its Just A Deer Blind".
So as "Chucky" was walking to his vehicle he looked back because I wasn't coming along, told him I'll walk back find your way, just lock the gate behind you.
Still today six years later no news, I've called may times because the 7 year mark is coming up soon. They always tell me we are investigating it Sir but nothing new as of yet.20190924_191216-600x600.jpg20190924_191228-600x600.jpg20190924_191246-600x600.jpg
And what 'Felonies' were supposedly committed? I agree that wanton vandalism occurred and also intentionally shooting across a property line. Both misdemeanors unless the value of your deer stand exceeded $2500.00, which by appearances it does not.
Like you....I would love to see the persons responsible caught, but good luck with that.
As for the placement of the depends largely on the lay of the land. It is not uncommon to place a stand on/near a property line with the intent of hunting down the property line or shooting solely away from the property line. Even over/onto the neighboring property WITH WRITTEN PERMISSION. I don't know your particular I won't comment on that...but typically it is considered 'bad form' to place a stand very near a properly line. Not illegal...of course, but can cause hard feelings between property owners.
Since no further incidents have occurred and several years have might consider just 'letting it go' and move on. The Warden at this point certainly has no interest in it...nor would I expect him to. Continue calling and dwelling on it if it makes you feel better.
So what your saying is I could get away with "revenge" because they couldn't pin it down on someone else? Hmmm, interesting na of course the thought came to mind but guess my "moral compass" got in the way.
We've had a multiple deer stands in that same area for over 30 years so although it may not be "good form" never had a "verbal" complaint about it. The days of a mans word I guess is not any good anymore but with the old owner our word was good as gold. Haven't received verbal or "written" notice from the new owner. So not shooting over the fence line.
Also when our property is about 15-20 times larger at least seams like they wouldn't complain with a "firearm" when they have their own blinds on the fenceline. Its think brush on both sides with just right of ways/senderos. Of course I have no "eye witness" to the crime, guess I should have had some casings tested on my own just to know for sure. Wouldn't have been legal in court though, the land he owns is to small to lease but don't know for sure.
Bye the way I've only contacted them maybe 3 times in six years so it's definitely making me "feel much better" The photo's were taken yesterday bye the way and this was mainly for a conversation piece.
Guess when the land owner flips you off everytime you see him you start pointing fingers, hope he doesn't shoot up my house next. The law might just drag the dead bodies out of the house and throw them in the Land Fill. No questions or investigations required jk [Not Comparing the Two Crimes]
- Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:34 am
- Forum: Hunting Photos
- Topic: Chucky and the deer blind.
- Replies: 26
- Views: 21750
Re: Chucky and the deer blind.
Myself in the evenings once in a blue moon I still hunt it, I have 3/8inch steel plate I've had to hold back from putting it up on the left wall. Thought maybe if he shot at it again it would ricochet and he might get his own lead poisoning. Can't even have a feeder at the location now due to the fact of "someone" is destroying it every time. Tryed trail cams to catch him and even though it worked it's of a guy in Full Leafy Camouflage. Gave up on feeders within a 400yd range away from the fence line, still got plenty more area's to hunt luckily. Tryed hiding out with night vision with no luck either, ever watch that show "fear thy neighbor" afraid I might be on it one day. Not the victim though, there's a law of hunter harassment but trying to prove anything is the Hard Part.The Annoyed Man wrote: ↑Tue Sep 24, 2019 9:34 pm I’d be worried about getting up in that blind again, without first moving it.
- Tue Sep 24, 2019 8:54 pm
- Forum: Hunting Photos
- Topic: Chucky and the deer blind.
- Replies: 26
- Views: 21750
Chucky and the deer blind.
About six years ago I had a decent deer blind that had been on the fence line at that time for about ten years. Had a agreement with the owner next door if you see something good on my side shoot it and vice-versa.
Well one morning before entering the blind I saw the windows busted out first after further investigation found Bullet Holes, yes about 75 bullet holes all throughout the blind entering only from the neighbors side. Bullet casings from a 22lr were all on the neighbors property, bassically in a a couple piles. So many you could see the shine of the brass in the daylight, usually a beautiful sight to see not this time.
I then contacted who was the neighbor a real older nice man, he had informed me that he sold the property a few years back and was nice enough to give me the contact info of the new owner.
Immediately contacted the local Game Warden, had his cell phone number. He informed me he had retired and to contact the newbie. So I did of course, rode with the Warden out to the blind "trying" to get on his good side, since he's the new Warden.
Anyway once we got there and he took photos collected the evidence ect. I was talking to him about how the suspect had been committing about two crimes. One destroying private property and two shooting in the air with a firearm, that's a felony.
Warden called the land owner and informed him of the situation at hand. The neighbor stated he did not even own a firearm, but yet every year they dump the caucuses right on the fence line futher down. So at this point in time the guy didnt want to speak any further and hung up.(a little suspicious)?
I spoke to the Warden a little longer about the situation and the Warden then stated "Not much can be done at this time but I will follow up with you at a latter date". Took my info, number ect.
At this point I was pretty angry with the Warden, who wouldn't be? Continued on about the felony that took place and the evidence In Hand. He then stated in a chuckle "Its Just A Deer Blind".
So as "Chucky" was walking to his vehicle he looked back because I wasn't coming along, told him I'll walk back find your way, just lock the gate behind you.
Still today six years later no news, I've called may times because the 7 year mark is coming up soon. They always tell me we are investigating it Sir but nothing new as of yet.
Well one morning before entering the blind I saw the windows busted out first after further investigation found Bullet Holes, yes about 75 bullet holes all throughout the blind entering only from the neighbors side. Bullet casings from a 22lr were all on the neighbors property, bassically in a a couple piles. So many you could see the shine of the brass in the daylight, usually a beautiful sight to see not this time.
I then contacted who was the neighbor a real older nice man, he had informed me that he sold the property a few years back and was nice enough to give me the contact info of the new owner.
Immediately contacted the local Game Warden, had his cell phone number. He informed me he had retired and to contact the newbie. So I did of course, rode with the Warden out to the blind "trying" to get on his good side, since he's the new Warden.
Anyway once we got there and he took photos collected the evidence ect. I was talking to him about how the suspect had been committing about two crimes. One destroying private property and two shooting in the air with a firearm, that's a felony.
Warden called the land owner and informed him of the situation at hand. The neighbor stated he did not even own a firearm, but yet every year they dump the caucuses right on the fence line futher down. So at this point in time the guy didnt want to speak any further and hung up.(a little suspicious)?
I spoke to the Warden a little longer about the situation and the Warden then stated "Not much can be done at this time but I will follow up with you at a latter date". Took my info, number ect.
At this point I was pretty angry with the Warden, who wouldn't be? Continued on about the felony that took place and the evidence In Hand. He then stated in a chuckle "Its Just A Deer Blind".
So as "Chucky" was walking to his vehicle he looked back because I wasn't coming along, told him I'll walk back find your way, just lock the gate behind you.
Still today six years later no news, I've called may times because the 7 year mark is coming up soon. They always tell me we are investigating it Sir but nothing new as of yet.