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by longtooth
Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:26 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Sonic Free Riders and CHL
Replies: 12
Views: 2315

Re: Sonic Free Riders and CHL

Surprized at loosing it out of that one.
by longtooth
Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:46 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Sonic Free Riders and CHL
Replies: 12
Views: 2315

Re: Sonic Free Riders and CHL

CrimsonSoul wrote:So I bought my kids a kinect and Sonic free riders for my kids. I was showing them how to play it. "See buddy what you have to do is jump and spin in a circle at the same time!" So I do it he tries and can't get it, so I show him again, he tries and can't get it (he's four). Finally I stand in front of the kinect and do my biggest jump spin combo and about 4 feet from me I hear Ka-clank! So yeah... watch out for that centrifugal force... and for angry wives when firearms go flying across the room *cough*
What holster did it fly out of if we may ask.
I have literally turned kid flips on the floor to show holster safety. (at 61 I dont flip very fast) jump too, twist, roll. I have fallen several times, twice pretty hard, before I got my knee replcaed. One of those was on a park hill & rolled about 10 feet down hill after falling. Gun secure never came out. Not a retention holster either.
I still maintain that quality gear will secure a carry gun.

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