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by longtooth
Thu Jul 27, 2006 10:45 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Random, unprovoked violence
Replies: 29
Views: 8381

HV. Correct. All of HSP system was self supporting until William Wayne Injustice got a hold of it. The farms raised all the meat, foods, sheep for wool. What they could not raise they bought with proceeds from the excess that they harvested or made. No cost to the state. Now it is a bottomless money pit. I also remember Bayless Elimentary School Social Studies. Texas Penal system was the largest SINGLE producer of wool & Mohair in Texas. Remember Bayless Elementary & Rebel Park. Remember Bayless Elementary & Rebel Park. :lol: :lol:
by longtooth
Thu Jul 27, 2006 10:36 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Random, unprovoked violence
Replies: 29
Views: 8381

Yes sir. As a boy in Jr Hi one of the Assemblies we had was a former prison inmate that came to our school. He showed us 3 things from Huntsville State Prison system.
1. A replica of the electric chair. Showed how they belted the deserving occupant in, put a wet sponge on wrists, ankles, & shaved head.
2. What they called "the bat". It was a long & wide heavy leather strip. Probably 4"wide by 3' long. A good heavy handle. The whipping tool.
3. The rail. Triangular rail that could be adjusted to any hight. They had to straddle it barely able to touch the floor on tiptoes.
He talked a lot & I remember the things he showed us but can only remember his last 5 words. When he finished he said, Be good. Dont go there. And he walked off. I remember the silence of the return to class. No on talked for a good while.
by longtooth
Thu Jul 27, 2006 10:05 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Random, unprovoked violence
Replies: 29
Views: 8381

seamusTX wrote:This is a state crime, and Texas does not have any "pansy" prisons.
I respectfully disagree. TDC is a pansy prison. There are some very real hardened criminals there but it is a very real holiday hilton for them compared to Huntsville State Prison which I percieve from your posts that you may be too young to remember. I will offer only one personal experience. This is an example of the pattern & not an isolated insodent.
In 1987 (and I assure you things have gotten worse since then) I had a Mother come to me about her son that was in TDC for his 2nd major sexual assault. You know the story. Good boy just mixed up w/ the wrong crowd. Fact: at early 40s he had been in jail & trouble w/ the law for way over half his life.
He has changed & is never going back. Help him get a job & he will straighten up. Short story. I talked to a construction forman I knew & he had a job the day he came to town if he wanted to start that day. Started on a Monday & worked all week making a good hard working hand. On time & worked. They paid by the week, one week behind. He worked the 2nd week. On time every day & worked whil there. Friday got his check for the previous week & went to a local "Private Club". (dont tell the mother of a young girl I will introduce you to in a moment that availability offers tax $$$$ & not trouble, but that is another thread)
Offered a lady ride home that had gotten a cab there because of no vehicle. When she would not let him spend the night he offered to take the 13 yr old babysitter home so she did not have to pay cab fare for that.
Don't take Perry Mason from here does it. When he finished with her he took her home, went to his Moms house & waited on the porch for the sheriff.
While in the county jail after plee bargin for 40 yr. the Mother wants me to go visit one more time before he goes to TDC. OK but he will probably not like what I have to say. He was totally bored w/ my presence. Looked w/ contempt at me the whole time.
My last statement to him was B----- you are not listening to any thing I have said.
"Nope I can't wait to get to Sugar Land. There is nothing to do in the County, I am boared here & there is plenty to do down there. They have weight room, AC, & a library." I will never forget those words.
TDC is a pansey prison.
by longtooth
Thu Jul 27, 2006 8:58 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Random, unprovoked violence
Replies: 29
Views: 8381

Yep. :iagree:
That evidence prooves your 1st point & the reason Texas needs a "Castle Doctrine" "No Duty To Retreat" law. Duty to retreat is the reason gangs own their turff. Good peope have been required to leave the street when threatened & call the police who get there "when they can" & go look for the threatening individual "when they have time." Gangs & thugs know this & exploit it the same as they do the rest of the system.
by longtooth
Thu Jul 27, 2006 8:39 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Random, unprovoked violence
Replies: 29
Views: 8381

Yes sir you are right. Yrs ago you could stay in the good part of town & be safe. Today there is no safe place.
Some events from our town of 35K by memory, & if I searched there would have to be more.
1. Our bank robbed at gun point in 2004. I was there the afternoon before. His statement was, "I have aids & nothing to loose."
2. A bank that I have a vending machine in & service on a regular basis was robbed at gunpoint. 2004
3. After H. Rita an elderly lady shot & killed in the same shopping center parking lot as our bank, Randall's, & a Christian book store. Good part of town too.
4. Golden Triangle pipe & Supply - good part of town, good people & good business. I buy there if I have a need & also have another vending machine there. Mad employee walks in w/ his AR-15 & announces that he is going to kill the owner in Galveston & return to "clean this place out." 2005.
5. Meth addict running from law is finally stopped by DPS officer crashing cruiser into his vehicle. He was attempting to run into a General Dollar store about one mile from our house. It is our "Convenience Store" because they have milk bread.... Heavily armed. Got him down about 40 feet from the front door. That was really close. I saw the take down. 2005.
6. Self service fuel stop I use on the main street of town & at gun point Man took back DL given for security on fill up. '05

These were what I can remember as fast as I type & they took place at places I go at times I would be there. No place is a "Safe Area" any more.

Read my signature.

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